We are in a creative era when the bad guys usually misunderstand. the Success of box office in universal picrates “Wicked” He just strengthened what is clear: the wicked we know are not all this really bad, if we get to know them. The evil witch in the West, one of the most famous wicked in the history of cinema, has been fixed to Elvaba, a smart and ethical young woman who rebel against an artist who deceives himself calling himself the charming and clarifying her to his people to ensure that they remain honest with him.
But “Wicked” is far from the only piece of modern pop culture that tries to reconsider the perfect bad guys. It may be appropriate for a number of the latest examples of Walt Disney, which created itself for the first time as a place that can be told classic stories and evil on the big screen. Do not be called films such as “MaleFicent” and “Cruella” on the name of the unforgettable bad guys; They also try to make viewers rethink the characters who, respectively, curse children on sleeping death and try to kill dogs to make a wonderful fur coat.
In fact, just as the company was the entire company, as Walt Disney loved to say, the mouse started, the feature Disney began with a princess called Snow White. In the 1937 animation feature “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “ The heroine bearing her name is known directly from the portal by a very terrifying and honorable evil queen that she is not even happy that she has a name for her own. If her title is not enough, within a few minutes from the start of the movie, the queen of the evil person did not deny ice White to be a maid, but also overcoming jealousy that she is no longer justice on the ground where she guides hunting by killing Snow White.
Thus, when Disney announced that “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” as a live film/CGI titled “Snow White”, it was easy to wonder whether the new interpretation of the evil queen would be softer, more complex, or more complicated. Now that the movie has arrived (You can check /review the movie hereIt is a state of good news and bad news. Good news? This evil queen, as Gal Jadot was portrayed, is evil as it was before. Bad news? Jadot’s performance is very terrible.
Snow White wisely does not try to make the evil queen sympathetic
To talk about the reason for the failure of Gadot’s performance completely, it is important to be clear about what you are trying to do and how this attempt might be successful without actually working. As mentioned above, this evil queen is not given any additional dimension or depth in the “White” scenario that Erine Cretida is attributed to Wilson; This, frankly, is a good thing. Among the annual Disney Annals, the queen of evil may not be the worst, as all of them were told. (Once again, Cruella de Vil tried to kill 100 dogs to make a coat. It may be more terrible, no?) But it is also unilateral in the best way. As shown in both Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and director Mark Web, a new edition, the evil queen is great as she is absurd – a person obsessed with her appearance to the point that she has a magic mirror aimed at asserting her on a repeated basis that she is the most beautiful woman in her kingdom.
“Snow White” expands in the story from the moving origin in general, but still extends only on the surface of what is going on with the evil queen. From this new movie, we learned that she had reached the anonymous kingdom after her possession lost his property due to illness, and that she was skilled in her love. Of course, as soon as this happens, the colors of the real woman appear; She sends the king until his death so that she can control the ground, and to persuade its residents mainly to put down their agricultural tools in favor of the soldier’s weapons. But while we see new evidence of the magic of the Queen, there are only many details (which was visually filmed instead of explaining it through dialogue or narration). The spacious strokes remain what the queen of the villain of the snow white does as in the new version as it is in the original movie: she sends Hunsman to kill our heroine, and gets angry when realizing that the hunter allows her to leave, then turns herself into an old woman to poison the white snow with a charming apple.
The performance of Jadot is a mono -dimension, but it still fails
So, on paper, the way the evil queen is reviving in the live “Snow White” is logical and feels it is true with the animation spirit. It is true that there are many differences in this new movie, but those changes (some are more logical than others) are largely designed to ensure that Snow White is a character with an agency instead of an indescribable girl in distress. The most prominent and clear change of the evil queen this time is that she gets her own song, entitled “All is Fair”. She sang to the fisherman after realizing that he did not kill Snow White as required, the evil queen aims to get rid of oral and car in the sequence, and she is full of a group of female dancers Fogh around her and she reminds hunting that she is responsible for the official, anything she says, and so on, a club. (The political text of this film is, uh, not hidden in a terrible way.)
It is not only that “Snow White” reaches the theaters of nearly five years when Gal Jadot and some of her famous friends sang “Imagine” to the world via a video on Instagram (a clip of what the world is mocking properly immediately). It is, although Gadot swings to the fences with its performance inside and outside its large music number, it is embarrassing and embarrassing. The Korography in the “All Is Fair” scene is funny as compressed, only a step or step from a person who makes a robotic group of dance movements in the style of eighties while singing about the extent of evil.
Now, Disney enjoys a long history of the full moving wicked, especially in the modern era (Think of Ursula in “Little Mermaid” Or a scar in “The Lion King”). Unfortunately, many of these bad guys have since been re -imagined in the reservoir of live studio. It comes to the concerned actors who have really failed to embody these characters as much as our expectations about who these opponents should be, and often, because the texts of these films are stunning their representatives. Here, although Wilson’s text is not completely sparkling, the issue is primarily a serious. Where you must feel uncomfortable and bad, it instead does a failed attempt in the camp, finding the dialogue lines that aim to clarify how the queen is really.
Jadot seems part of the queen of evil, but he cannot bring the character to life
Just as the evil queen appears to be adequate and evil within the text “Snow White”, in theory, Disney throws Gal Gadot logically. She is a well -known actress that is not very far from bringing Wonder Woman, one of the most superheroes of the comic book of all ages, to life. (Although “Wonder Woman” 2017 seems to have arrived five years ago, Gadot is undoubtedly excellent in this first movie.) But it is also not difficult to think of other actors of the age of forty – Gadot strikes these humans at the end of April – and imagine them in the queen’s distinctive dress of the queen.
How can “Snow White”, with the same text and music, looks like Rachel Ziegler Kalag White, for example, Scarlett Johansson as an evil queen? Or Aubberry Plaza? Or Keira Knightley? All of these actors, regardless of being a luminous similarly and worked with Walt Disney Company before, would have been intimidated appropriately as the film’s wickedness, and may have brought sequences like “everything fair” to life with energy and energy. (It should be noted, by the way, that the words “All is Fair” are excessively do not do any preferences. It falls in this scene, but the song itself is not winning either.)
Any new edition of Disney Classic faces a huge mountain of creative challenge, especially those that arrive after a long series of other frustrating examples. Many of the modern Disney reshaping operations have tried to either reduce her bad guys – think about how Luke Evans as Gaston 2017 “Beauty and the Monster” It is just a touch less than the hate of women and hateful of the moving version – or simply can only help photograph it. Think of the flat visual images and inspiring audio performance from the unpleasant ChiWetl Ejiofor otherwise, such as Scar in Jon Favreau’s “Lion King”, Melissa McCarthy in the role of Ursula in “Mermaid Little Mermaid”, or Marwin Kenzari in Javar in 2019 version of “Aladdin”, “ And so on.
However, even these offers were bad for one reason or another. Gal Jadot as the Queen of the Sherbet in “Snow White”, on the other hand, is clumsy and even an exciting view. It is the type of performance that will live in people’s memories for all the wrong reasons.
Snow White currently plays in theaters.
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