Why Patrick Stewart felt disappointed from the first two seasons of Star Trik: Tng

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With possible exceptions for “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” and “Star Trek: The Animated Series”, animation series, None of the “Star Trek” shows started in the strongest. Ask any trekkie, and they will tell you that “Star Trek: The Next Generation”, “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” and “Star Trek: Voyagers” were not “good” until their third seasons. By that time, each of their pioneers was preparing for the true nature of their characters, and knew the type of stories that could be explored.

With the “Next Generation”, you can feel almost immediately. The third season of this series was not only changed the Foundation’s officers, but also Dr. Beverly Crete also returned after actress Gates McFaden was removed for the second season. The most obvious thing, the “next generation” moved from wide stories around the entire collection to more focused stories about each individual personality. One of the episodes may focus on (Michael Dorn) for example, while the next episode will be the Geordi (Levar Burton) episode. Those who know about the background drama in the show will know that the third season will coincide with the assumption of the executive product Michael Belller’s position, to replace Maurice Hurley. With the responsible Piller, the show finally fell into the focus, and remained strong during the remaining five years.

These two first seasons before Bremer took over, however, it was sometimes very difficult. The documentary “Chaos on the Bridge”, about the first two seasons of “The Next Generation”, shows the interrelated quarrels behind the scenes, with Jin Rodenberry, his personal lawyer Leonard Mayizlich, and many others compete to control the text of the show. No one can decide a unified vision, and the vanity clashed.

The team remembers those early years of chaos well. Patrick Stewart, the actor who played Captain Picard, spoke about the seasons of 1987 and 1988, frankly in an interview in 2023 with New Yorker. He felt that these early seasons lack a vital feeling of familiarity.

Patrick Stewart was not satisfied with the first two seasons of Star Trik: The next generation because they lack the intimate relationship

Stewart was not interested in politics between the creator Jin Jin Rodnberry and the book, of course. He is an actor. He was concerned about the character’s work on “Star Trek: The Next Generation”, and how the text programs, which were completed as soon as they ended, were connected to Captain Picard’s inner life and his relationship with his colleagues in the company’s crew. During the first two seasons, Captain Picard was very solid and isolated.

This was, of course, the goal. Roddenberry loves the idea of ​​the remaining professional characters, and avoids all personal conflicts. As a result, Picard had appeared as a lack of depth. “I saw the first and second seasons, I was disappointed with what I saw, especially in the first season, and specifically my work. I found that it lacks the intimate relationship. It was very reliable, but there were a few other qualities in it,” Stewart said.

Roddenberry and Stewart even held a meeting once on Captain Picard, and it was something of Brucek’s relationship, at least according to the biography of Stewart, “Make it: notes.” It looks like this Stewart Rodenberry asked another view of his personality, and Roddinbury was only ordered to read the novels. Stewart read these novels, and Rodbarie simply said “Read” again. “Stewart learned that the personal work in American TV programs was Lonsome, which required little cooperation between actresses. A kind of necessity, Stewart had to integrate that personality deficit. It appeared as reliable, but somewhat mysterious.

Patrick Stewart was not working on Star Treke to enjoy

Of course, Stewart finally learned to work well with his participating stars … although it requires some intervention. In a New Yorker interview, Stewart reiterated a story that he told several times about how he exploded in front of his co -workers … and how he was immediately embarrassing. The story indicates that Stewart was satisfied with being strict and dangerous in the group as Picard was leading the institution. His position was in direct contradiction with his prosecutor’s colleagues, who were much more than JoCUND. As he says:

“I tell the story of calling a meeting of my major colleagues and told them that I thought we were not disciplined enough, and that we should not be deceived in the group as much as we were, but he took everything seriously. One of the members of the team said,” Oh, Come on, Patrick, we must enjoy some fun. And I hit the chair and said: “We are not here to enjoy!” Which they did not allow me to forget.

After that, Stewart has already diluted, and as he said, “I think the work we achieved is better during the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh seasons.” Trekkies will agree. The chapters from 3 to 6 were the main years of the width. Stewart continued to play the role for decades, and to return recently to The third and last season of “Star Trek: Picard” in 2023.

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