Why does creatine smell bad? (6 nasty facts about creatine)

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By [email protected]

Creatine is usually described as having no taste or smell. With that being said, some users have reported a slight sour smell, but definitely nothing bad. If your new creatine smells bad, return it to the manufacturer for a replacement or your money back. You should also be careful about where you store creatine, as it can be affected by heat, humidity, and direct sunlight. A sealed container of creatine can last a long time, even a year or two past the expiration date. However, if the container has been opened for more than 36 months, you must replace it.

Creatine should be odorless

Dr. Brad Schoenfeld, CSCS, FNSCA: "Creatine Monohydrate has a slightly sweet smell, but it is very mild and not noticeable unless you smell it directly from the container."Dr. Brad Schoenfeld, CSCS, FNSCA: "Creatine Monohydrate has a slightly sweet smell, but it is very mild and not noticeable unless you smell it directly from the container."

First, let’s get this straight, creatine should be odorless.

However, I have seen some users describe it as having a slight sour smell.

There are even those who say that it has a slightly chalky smell.

I think this is all due to each other having different senses, as some may be more sensitive to smell than others.

However, when you first buy creatine, even if you have been bathing in the bathtub for a long time, it should not emit any particular unpleasant smell.

Why does my creatine smell like fish?

If your creatine supplement smells like fish, this often indicates that the product has gone rancid or spoiled. Creatine monohydrate is typically a stable substance that should not emit any strong odors, especially fish-like ones. In such cases, it is recommended to dispose of the supplement and avoid taking it.

I researched the smelly creatine phenomenon online and was quite surprised by what I found.

In fact, I have come across several online fitness forums and Q&A sites where many people have been complaining about the smell of creatine.

That’s when you know right away that something is wrong with your container.

In fact, one user had just purchased a new bathtub and declared that as soon as he opened it it gave off a very strong fishy smell.

Registered Nutritionist and ISBN Sports Nutritionist Michelle Brown: "If creatine smells fishy, ​​this is not a good sign. It could be a sign of contamination or damage. I recommend tossing it and getting a fresh batch from a reputable source."Registered Nutritionist and ISBN Sports Nutritionist Michelle Brown: "If creatine smells fishy, ​​this is not a good sign. It could be a sign of contamination or damage. I recommend tossing it and getting a fresh batch from a reputable source."

As I mentioned, creatine should be odorless, and if you find that it has an odor, that definitely shouldn’t be a bad thing.

So, it’s pretty clear that our suspicious friend received a spoiled container for whatever reason.

He mentioned that he bought creatine decane, which is a little different than standard monohydrate.

Creatine decane is micronized creatine.

This simply means that creatine is essentially a monohydrate, but the molecules have been chopped or broken down.

This essentially increases the surface area of ​​the creatine, which promotes faster absorption and can reduce potential stomach pain.

And this is just one of Many forms of creatine.

But, in fact, even the different type of creatine shouldn’t have a fishy smell.

There was definitely something wrong with its container.

Even a small amount of water coming into contact with creatine during the manufacturing process can have an effect.

However, if your creatine smells like fish, then you know for a fact that you probably shouldn’t take it, as is the case with creatine. It will likely make you feel sick.

Immediately return the creatine to the manufacturer and ask for a replacement or your money back.

Does creatine make you smell?

I have to admit that I often laugh to myself about some of the things I read online.

In fact, I found one creatine user who was convinced that creatine gave him that onion smell.

He even “tested” this himself.

On the days he took creatine, he said he definitely smelled like onions.

This was even after he had showered and showered.

However, as a test, he decided not to use creatine for a few days, and claimed that the onion smell disappeared.

Now, I don’t want to get into the details of this person’s personal hygiene, diet, or even sweat glands, but this is clearly very strange.

Not only should creatine be tasteless and odorless, it certainly shouldn’t make you smell different when you take it.

Well, our onion friend has convinced himself that creatine is to blame, but I’d hazard a guess that there’s another explanation.

So, I will state categorically that creatine does not make you smell bad.

Where do you store your creatine?

Well, now you know that if your new creatine gives off a sour whiff, you should definitely return it.

However, what if you’ve been taking a tub of creatine for a few weeks and it suddenly starts to smell bad?

This may have something to do with where you store creatine.

Creatine should always be stored in a cool, dry place.

As with most powders, you probably don’t want to store it anywhere the temperature gets higher than 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

doctor. Jörn Witchen, scientist and mathematical researcher: "Store creatine powder in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Heat and humidity can degrade creatine and make it less effective."doctor. Jörn Witchen, scientist and mathematical researcher: "Store creatine powder in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Heat and humidity can degrade creatine and make it less effective."

Well, I realize that due to climate temperatures, this is not always possible, but obviously you have to do your best.

However, if you are storing your container of creatine in an open location, especially near heat or direct sunlight, there will be a greater chance of spoilage.

In addition, humidity can also have an effect.

Therefore, you do not want your container to be near the cooker or microwave.

You don’t want to place it on a shelf near a window where it will be exposed to direct sunlight.

It is not a good idea to store it next to the boiler.

Maybe you You shouldn’t store the ant type of supplement in your car either, especially during very hot weather.

Admittedly, storing creatine in a warmer environment or under direct sunlight may have no effect at all.

But why take the chance?

How long have you been taking creatine?

Another thing you should be aware of is the expiration date of your creatine.

The vast majority of nutritional supplements will have a specific expiration date.

This is usually done within a maximum of 3 years of product production.

However, in reality, a sealed container of creatine stored in a cool, dry place will typically last up to a year or two after its expiration date.

However, if you have a container that has been open for more than 36 months, I suggest you throw it out and replace it.

I know most of us buy creatine in general and use it on a regular basis.

Therefore, we never get close to the actual expiration date.

But this is definitely something you should be aware of.

Should I use creatine capsules?

Brian St. Pierre, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist: "If you find the taste of creatine unpleasant, some flavored powders can effectively mask it. However, the beans generally will not have any taste."Brian St. Pierre, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist: "If you find the taste of creatine unpleasant, some flavored powders can effectively mask it. However, the beans generally will not have any taste."

I know some users are bothered by the fact that their creatine smells bad.

Therefore, they can be persuaded to take creatine capsules.

In fact, if you have purchased high-quality creatine, there should be no difference at all between pills and powder.

I’ve heard people say that the capsules get into your circulation faster, but I don’t care much about that.

Creatine supplements are all about flooding your muscles with creatine and then maintaining that condition.

Therefore, once this is achieved through either loading or regular consumption, it will not make much of a difference to how quickly creatine is absorbed.

I will say that creatine powder is less expensive than capsules, so this is something to consider if you’re on a tight budget.

Additionally, creatine capsules will also have an expiration date, so they can “spoil” as well.

In fact, it just comes down to personal preference.

Final thoughts

So, as you can see, if your creatine smells bad, it probably means something is wrong.

Creatine should definitely be odorless, but if there is a slight odor it shouldn’t smell bad.

If this is a new container, return it to the manufacturer.

You should also make sure to store creatine in a cool, dry place.

Additionally, don’t forget that creatine has an expiration date, so be careful about how long you’ve got the container.

So, that’s the “odor” dealt with, but here’s another common complaint: Why does creatine make you feel hungry??


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