Why do we make continuous improvements in Shakeology

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By [email protected]

Since 2009, Shakeology It was a pioneer in the nutrition industry, as our formula has constantly evolved to provide our customers in the best absolute way to get a daily dose of biological nutrients, all in delicious shaking.

What distinguishes forgery is its steadfast commitment to quality, with one goal in mind: to help you look and feel healthy.

For this reason we follow an uncompromising approach in the sources and formulation of Shakeology.

Reading to find out how our form has improved over time and why Shakeology continues to lead the industry more than 15 years later.

What makes Shakeology different from other brands?

Unlike other shock brands that buy a mixture of pre -mixed components of third -party suppliers, we chose precisely Each element For the SUPEROD Mix from Shakeology to make sure you get the largest possible health benefits from each script.

When the brands depend on Premade’s mixtures, they have no opinion on each individual component, including quantity, effectiveness, or even where it comes. This low -cost approach does not work for shakeology.

We care about every ingredient along the way from the farm to the bag and know that you are doing it too. We also know that you are investing in your health. For this reason we have always given priority to quality.

Has Shakeology changed since its launch in 2009?

Over the years, we updated the Shakeology formula in order to maintain an unparalleled level of nutrition and quality.

With the change of supply chains and growing conditions, we refuse to make concessions when the component, supplier or process no longer meets our standards.

Likewise, food science always progresses, and as is the case, we develop with it.

We will continue to update the Shakeology format when the change is the right thing to do for our customers, because we know that the nutrition you put in your body is one of the most important daily decisions that you can make. For this reason we sold more than a billion servings.

What happens in decisions to update the Shakeology formula?

Every month, creators participating in Shakeology Isabelle Dicler and In that Our team is for the developer and development team (R&D) to evaluate the current Shakeology formula and determine potential improvements.

Some of the reasons you may think about updating the formula:

  • Ingredient quality: We are constantly Test the components of our suppliers for pollutantsFilling, lookalikes, mold, heavy metals, and more. In fact, our tests are very strict, and suppliers are known to devote their best crops to us. And if the suppliers are not able to give us the quality that we ask for, we look at another place or remove it from Shakeology – even when our competitors do not.
  • Scientific evidenceThe results of new research on nutrients or specific components and their potential benefits can often push formula updates. Unlike most companies, Shakeology conducts clinical studies to better understand and improve our product’s health benefits.
  • Consumer notesShakeology takes clients very seriously. Sometimes, we may modify the formula based on comments related to taste, texture, benefits, or any number of factors.

What are the recent updates made on Shakeology?

Original Shakeology: Change the last format to The original shakeology It was made in 2019 for vegetable flavors and 2020 for whey flavors.

This update removed the oatmeal protein, Xia, and Sasha Inch, and added more Probioticsand FiberFlaxseed, and Match, in order to improve the nutritional value of distortion while treating pollutants for some components.

  • Heart and intestine health: These Formula changes The dietary fibers of shakeology, omega -3 fatty acids, probiotics and green tea are enhanced Vegetable nutrients To help better support intestines And heart health.
  • gluten free: We added a “gluten -free” claim with the update. This came from removing oat protein from a vegetarian formula and improving our test so that we can name the gluten -free “gluten” with confidence. Although oatmeal is naturally free of gluten, it can often be contaminated with gluten.

Shakeology 0g Sugar: In 2024, we launched Add Shakeology 0g SugarIt took an endless hours of development to ensure that it has the same benefits as the original Shakeology, tastes them as well, and uses high -quality ingredients, just like the original. You can learn about Differences of the formula here.

The most difficult part to get 0g add the right sugar formula The choice of natural sweetening was appropriate for its use instead of organic cane sugar, to provide the delicious taste that our customers expect from Shakeology.

We chose the highest quality SteviaReb M. It has the most similar sugar -like taste cleaner and is obtained from farmers who have learned how to grow and the Stevet harvest responsibly. Reb M which we use is also The genetically modified project has been verified.

I consider Shakeology “very expensive”

When Shakeology was launched in 2009, there was nothing else like him on the market, and despite dozens of counterfeit copies, it is still this way today.

Although there are a lot of protein vibrations there, Shakeology is the original shake Superfood, which is hard -working to provide full nutrition based on full food that people still get from the medium diet.

When the environmental defense and the supplement of Darren Olian’s formulation ( The first Superfwood fisherman in the worldHe set out to create the highest quality and the most powerful he could imagine, everyone told him that he was very expensive.

For Olyan, Shakeology was not just getting healthy Superfoods sources in the world. It was about finding the best crop quality as well.

And that was when he was in contact with the participants Isabelle Broso Dicler and Carl Decler, CEO of Body, who, without his knowledge, were working to achieve a similar goal.

“Don’t worry about the cost. Olyan remembers,” Karl said.

Why are natural flavors in Shakeology? Is not Darine against them?

Shakeology ingredients

The institution participating in Shakeology is very explicit about the hatred of many natural flavors, a view that everyone has shared in Shakeology.

In the United States, Natural flavors can contain additions The solvents are normal and are generally identified as safe by the Food and Drug Administration.

However, just because they allow it by the Food and Drug Administration does not mean that we put them in Shakeology.

Shakeology only Uses natural flavors Degevanced from the plants and extracting them using traditional processes such as copper distillation, filtration, or yarn conical (a low temperature of sensitive flavors).

These methods are simply focused on flavor components so that they can be used at low levels to enhance taste, similar to chefs that lead to decrease or coulis.

What are the natural flavors used in Shakeology?

Take Shakeology, for example.

After launching a whey chocolate in 2009, it took two years to create a whey vanilla, because it took a long time to find the vanilla resource that fulfilled our strict standards.

Natural flavors may be the latest ingredient to go under a microscope, but the reality is that the quality of each component on the label depends on the standards of the brand resources and testing them.

For this reason when you look at the ingredient sign, it is difficult to know what you really get. Producers with the same ingredient menu can have very different contents. This makes The difference between shakeology and everything else In the market.

Get results you can see and feel with Shakeology

Shakeology is a testimony to our steadfast commitment to quality and innovation.

From its inception in 2009 to the present day, Shakeology has evolved with the latest scientific research and consumer reactions to ensure that it is still the best tremor in the market.

Our dedication to the use of high -quality ingredients only and maintaining strict criteria is what put Shakeology in its own category.

That is why any other tremors are not available. The largest number of health benefits and the remarkable results-and why do we stand behind us 31 days Blood guarantee.

As we continue to improve our formula and improve it, you can trust that Shakeology will always give priority to your health and welfare above all, for your difference in taste and feeling.


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