Why do many modern films look like the eighties? Investigate the music you need

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By [email protected]

The spread of the eighties the dish is not the usual form of cultural influence. There is still a lot of intellectual property of that era, including “transformers”, “ghostbusters”, “beetlejuice” and ” Many other examples. While these and other privileges have always been loved, there are other aspects of the contract that were ignored shortly after their completion. For a while, it seemed as if the sound of mixing the eighties of the twentieth century was also outside Vogue, whether in folk music or in the results of films.

Kids Sunglasses, a British music producer, electronic music, and a composer who contributed to dozens of “Cobra Kai” Season 6 and “Beverly Hills Police: Excel and,” Remember the time when the sound of the eighties was the twentieth century. “The moment we went to” the nineties, there was a lot of, “Oh,” the eighties are bad.

However, the popularity of the media in the eighties and its beauty was never truly She disappeared, and this is not all that is surprising, given how pop culture of generation tends to inspire recovery when these people grow up and become dominant artists. Kid Kid explained: “These children between the ages of 30 and 40 have moved to the locations of being creative and creative decision -makers. So they start assigning and controlling these films, or whatever these artistic forms. Then there is a market for people in Hanin to that.” It indicates that we seem to be in a special course in the “eighties of the last century”, however: “I was really surprised that people are still interested (in the 1980s). Because I was like, why did he not die yet, and it was replaced by” the nineties “? Why not” the nineties of the last century (nostalgia) is going very much as did the eighties in the eighties? “

He has a more realistic answer to the reason for the continuation of the Voice of the eighties of the twentieth century today, and it is related to the way in which he collects new possibilities with restrictions. “This real explosion of the sounds of ever was. So there is suddenly this entire new strange painting. (Today) we have reached this stage where, with computers, you can create anything literally. So there is a longing for nostalgia for this time (where there was) a limited painting of strange sounds. Now, there is a lot of choice.”

Thanks to the return of the sound in the 1980s, Kid notes sunglasses that what was now seen is now appreciated and increasingly acceptable. “I think, whenever I move away from” the eighties of the last century, almost gives people permission to go, “Do you know what? That’s really great.” What may be, too late, looks cheese or dramatic, now it seems that it is actually amazing. “

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