The third long -awaited season 3 has a lot of work against it. There is death Beloved work team member Angus ClaudeThe years of delaying production, and the fact that many remaining actors have become Hollywood stars with a little scheduling. You can say that Sydney Sweeini is now very good for a short -term HBO drama, although SweeEy fortunately is still falling to finish the show.
It can be said that the biggest problem in the third season is the lack of Cat Hernandez (Barbie Ferrera), a character that was important in the first season only to be confused in the second season. The 1 Kat season passed through a tremendous shift, discovering a new appearance and a bad situation for itself and even managed to steal the Ethan ABRAMS, and discover the character that does not appear in this matter. In the second season, the show was often forgotten, as it was only verified for one scene, an episode to show her increasingly satisfied with life. By the end of the season, she separated with Ethan in a truly embarrassing way, and returned to disturbed her in the first season with no explanation.
The fans were disappointed because of the little development that Cat got, and they were the most disappointed when they discovered that the third season would not compensate for it. In August 2022, Ferrera Make a statement She said that she will not return: “After four years of reaching the most distinctive and mysterious character, kat, I must say goodbye to tears,” she wrote. “I hope many of you see yourself as you did and that it brought you joy to see her journey in the character that is today.”
Why did you leave Barbie Ferrera orgasm?
In the wake of Ferreira’s direct announcement, the prevailing assumption is that it left due to the frustration of the “Ecstasy” exhibition, Sam Levinson. The Daily Beast I mentioned During the second season, the display production process was not only very difficult, as the staff and the crew were often stuck for up to 17 hours a day, but it was claimed that Ferrera was “wearing heads” with Levinson around the place where he was taking her personality.
In the following years, Ferrera clarified the decision a little more than that: “I don’t think there is a place for her to go,” she said. In an interview in April 2023. “I think there were places that could have been disappeared. I don’t think it could have fit the offer. I do not know if it would achieve justice, and I think that both sides knew that I really wanted to be the best fatigue. I don’t want to play that, and I think they don’t want it.”
Ferrera added, “Sam writes, like the things he is associated with. I don’t think he is about a kat,” Ferrera added. She explained, however, that bad blood reports between her and Levinson were largely exaggerated:
“When people ask me about the second season, they usually come to me as if I were a victim of the second season. I always love,” no, there is nothing wrong. It is good. “… in fact I didn’t get out of a group.
How can the euphoria continue without the Hernandez?
As a production of “Al -Nashwa” season 3 Finally, take offWe have learned a lot about what is going on around the last season of the exhibition. The most prominent is the time jump: the third season is held at least a few years of high school, which will provide a natural excuse for the lack of loved characters such as Kat, Ethan and Gia. It is common for high school friends to be drifted from each other in adulthood; The exhibition can say that Kat is in college, or that it is on its way to its prominent career somewhere throughout the country. Cat and Ethan Wajia are some of the only characters in this exhibition who could have done enough homework to enter the college in the first place, so their absence will be easier to clarify.
In some sense, the fact that Cat is not around it is the kindness of the personality. “Ecstasy” is a symptom of addictive and infected misery in particular, after all. Like a lot Vion from “rude” or Sydney from the “screaming” privilegeIt seems that the true opportunity for the only personality in permanent happiness is to leave the show, as these alleged writers cannot continue to destroy their lives. If you are not on the screen, the audience is free to imagine any happy future for it. This is how Barbie Ferrera seems to see, at least. She also explained in an interview 23 about her departure, “I love Cat, so I will go on my own way.”
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