What is the best way to recover from alcohol headache?

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By [email protected]

Even if you are not usually a big mustache, special occasions can do a number on Everything in modifying a talisman. From offices open to catch up with friends to friends to Dinner holidays With your family, giving up often provides great opportunities to give up wine.

While it is fun to celebrate and enjoy yourself, and wake up the next day with a general division headache How — River-bottle The distress is less fun.

But dealing with waste after drinking a lot can be avoided – if you approach your ritual with the correct plan. So take attention and look at these nuggets of wisdom before raising your next cup.

What causes alcohol headache?

A woman sleeps on the sofa with a blanket over the head Recovery waste

The short answer is, of course, “alcohol”. But the mechanisms are behind Why Alcohol makes us feel very terrified The next day is really unknown.

“We don’t fully understand what happens and what causes it,” says Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, RD. “But we know that alcohol Toxic Get toxic to the members. “

drought It also plays a major role in causing headaches that come with waste. Alcohol is a diuretic – In the sense that it makes you urinate a lot – that is why you may not face the same headache bombing when you drink something with a high water content, like Seeltzer alcohol Or the vodka club.

Giancoli adds, alcohol can also negatively affect the immune system (makes you feel running in a running), irritating the stomach lining (causing nausea and vomiting), and low blood sugar (fetch of fragility and dizziness).

How can you avoid waste?

A variety of cocktails Recovery waste

The only confirmed way to prevent alcohol headache is to avoid alcohol completely – but if you want to treat yourself with two drinks, there are some things that you can do to reduce the symptoms of your headaches.

1. Take it easily

If the alcohol is not completely avoided, then the first step is to exercise some restraint. He says: “You should shorten drinking about two alcoholic drinks,” he says. Mitzi DoulanRD, CSSD, registered nutritionist and nutritionist. Line yourself by spacing your drinks, such as one during the appetizer round and then another when you have dinner.

And see your class sizes. One meal of solid alcohol, for example, is only 1.5 ounces. Fill the whiskey glass nine ounces in the middle of the road, and you are effectively three shots.

2. Cut your drinks with water

Doan suggests adding sparkling water to your drinks – it will help avoid dehydration and will be less likely to excessive excess. PROSECCO 50-50 cut with sparkling water, for example, or Mix solid wines with Seltzer And spray from juice or a slice of citrus.

3. Avoid homogeneous

“There is another way to reduce the symptoms of alcohol headache, which is to drink free or low alcohol in the homogeneous,” says Giankoli.

Homogeneous They are secondary products from fermentation that are toxic. It is higher in dark alcoholic drinks such as Bourbon, Brande, whiskey, and bottom in pure alcohol such as jinn, vodka and rum. This is also the reason that mixing alcohol can be a recipe for horrific backgrounds – homogeneous people can add different types of alcohol, which increases toxic losses to your body.

Can you stop alcohol headache after drinking a lot?

Friends chanting beer Recovery waste

If you feel that yourself rising with the night, you don’t have to panic. Simply stop drinking and switching to regular water or club-or at least start going to one with water. “Drinking a cup of water between every alcoholic drink will help reduce the amount of what you drink, and you will continue to moisturize yourself,” says Giankoli.

Beating the moisturizer table can also help, as the food adds a barrier that helps to slow down the speed in which alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream.

“The main thing is not to drink alcohol on an empty stomach, because when the alcohol strikes the lining of your stomach, it is immediately absorbed,” says Giankoli. “If you drink an empty stomach, you will feel the effects of alcohol sooner.”

The healthy larva may be more useful than unwanted. “There are some research that show things like Asparagus and mango “It might be useful,” says Giankoli. Do not expect these foods to work on any waste miracles, but as a rule Healthy snacks Such as fruits and vegetables or Full granules That has Antioxidant properties This is useful for your body.

If you know that you will celebrate hard, plan forward. Doulan loves to be packaged High protein snacks Like peanuts and wheel or wheel Protein balls Made of oats, honey, peanut butter, protein powder and almonds – only in the case of need to control damage. “These options make you feel better and give you some good energy,” she says.

How can you recover from waste?

A woman recovers from waste on the sofa Recovery waste

Well, so she celebrated strongly and did not realize it until it was too late. Now what?

Once you get home, and before going to bed, drink a large cup – or two or three of the water. Doulan says, it is not a guaranteed waste treatment, but “it should help you feel better than you did not.”

And do not care about chasing your abundant quantities of water with a pain reliever before going out. “Some people take ibuprofen or aspirin before they go to bed as a way to treat alcohol headache,” says Giankoli. “But this will not last for a long time.” By the time you wake up, it will have already been worn.

In the morning, Giancoli recommends staying in bed for as long as possible. “Return to sleep. Time is the best processor.”

When you finally transport your fogged body from the bed, Giancoli recommends eating mango or even Persimon, which is what Studies that may help indicate. She says, “They are not trials and real and have not been proven,” she says. “But it is definitely healthy and will benefit your body in a variety of other methods.”

Mix it in juice, then eat more essential breakfast – such as eggs with whole wheat toast – to support blood sugar.


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