What happens to Paul’s sister in the books of sand dunes

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By [email protected]

This post contains Spoilers For the saga “sand dunes”.

In Dune: Part, Lady Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson) continues remotely with her fetus, Alia, who, with her, turns after being exposed to life water. As Jenin, Alia corresponds to a strange way with Jessica’s plans Regarding her son, Paul (Timothy Chalithit), because she is actively urging her mother towards a distinct path. In one of Paul’s many visions, we get a glimpse of from us, I grew up (Anya Taylor Joy), whose presence was prepared to be huge in the strained seasons stained with the next blood. Nevertheless, although the same character is embodied differently in the “Dune” by David Lynch. There, Alia (Alisia Wit) is a young child with a great power in the books and who blackmail Baron Harrarkonin (Kenneth McMelan) across Arakis with the absolute power of her mind.

While Villeneuve was closely following the Frank Herbert book series “Dune”, it was He chooses to delete a higher child from “Part Two” for creative reasons. After all, the idea of ​​a young child with the behaviors and acumen of the cultivated adults is a challenge at the technical level and is at risk of going out as unintentionally absurd. Of course, this omission also indicates an inevitable time jump, where a high arch is intensified and limited to its adult.

In the movie “Dune” in Herbert, the story is indispensable, as her journey is running in parallel with Paul, which creates an identical and tragic identical effect. This is particularly clear in the “Dune Messiah” and “Children of sand dunes”, which puts the adults as a Christian figure of another kind, is condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past. Paul’s complex attractiveness often overwhelms the decisive role his sister plays, but Alia outperforms many faces throughout her tragic short life: an imagined abomination, a distinguished mother, Dimi, and a devastating power of nature. Take into consideration, let’s track her journey, and start when she is pre -generated with amazing cognitive abilities.

Supreme perception is the important aspects of the saga of sand dunes

Eight months after the death of Duke Lito, Alia was born, armed with an adult awareness that Jesserett and the terrifying grandparents of the grandparents that come with her. Al -Farim warns her immediately, and considered her to be an abomination, a humiliating term used for those who cannot control the genetic ego. Since Alia has access to vast horizons of knowledge through place and time, she is afraid, as she believes that her broken psyche will inevitably break at some point (more about this later). Unlike Paul and Jessica, Whose eyes naturally turned blue due to a long time exposure to the Melange on ArrakisI was born with them. A mixture of these factors draws up as a semi -sophisticated character, both worship and fear by those exposed to religious indoctrination and myths.

Paul was placed as Christ between Ferden, which constitutes a higher emergence, which leads to its direct participation in the desert war. This is not surprising, because her advanced capabilities allow her to present attack groups and cute enemy teams until they are arrested in the Sardaukar raid. Don’t worry, she escapes during the Battle of Aren and makes sure that Baron Harrachonin (who turned out to be her grandfather at that moment) with a poisoned Gome Gabar. It is important to note that her evil fear in the battle here, because he finally earns her with St. Saint Alia from the knife.

As it may have been measured, Alia is a person who literally contains the crowd, because it carries the memories of the ancestors and does not put many masks. Herbert described a high complication like this: “She is cliche, brilliant, familiar with deep intimidation, and cruelty when she is more good, not thinking while thinking, and when she seeks to build, it is destroyed like a Coriolis storm.” These words reveal their true meaning in books that follow “sand dunes”, so let’s take a closer look at Alia’s journey in these volumes.

Alia Atrides is a sacred saint and a frightening certified for her people in the dunes

The characters in “Dune” have a way to return for a long time after her death, and Duncan Idaho is not different. when Denkan returns to Hait HightHis intentions and motives are completely different, as he secretly intended to serve as a trap for Paul, who is now emperor. Alia, who is now planning, is developing a charged relationship with Hayt, and most of her internal work is detected in “Dune Messenger” through this complex relationship. After hayt as a traitor, memories actual Denkan Aidahu is ultimately restored, which also restores his loyalty to the atrial. When a blind urine goes away and chooses self -exile, the sugar was named in his absence, and she takes the scarf after marrying Hyat.

This is where things take a dark turn. Alia, whose mind has always been dominated by strong grandparents’ personalities, is unable to develop a strong, strong, enough character to resist the impact or full possession. The psychological division begins to form, with matters in spices to push its strength to its borders, which is close to becoming abomination because of its severe and reckless pulse. By the time when we reach “sandy dune children”, Alia turned into an extremist; It treats people who use fear in the name of faith and religion, increasingly in the most cruel parts of its personality. Along the way, its efforts to enhance its political position and religious ambiguity turn into violence, and depends on a targeted approach to its temporary rule as Mengent. It has the madness of the escalating bone and its gradual nature of power It leads to her possession of Baron HarkoninWhich benefits from her lack of a strong essential personality and pushes her to become more fatal.

Paul’s subsequent return from exile is a tragic turning point in his stories and higher. Once Paul reveals his sister’s position as an abomination of Alfrim, enthusiastic priests kill him, leaving a sad high to fight endless characters in an attempt to control her mind and body. Jessica not only witnesses these events But eventually, she is unable to stop her daughter when, when she restores her physical being for a short period, she jumped up from an open window until her death.

In the end, Alia dies as a tyrant and a martyr. It may save its final act an endless life, but it wanders in Eter.

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