What happened to Dero in telling me lies?

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By [email protected]

This article contains addiction and mental health discussions.

The original Hulu series, “Tell Me Lies”, which is based on a novel of the same name by Carola Lovering, focuses mainly on To the maximum Toxic romance between Stephen Demarko (Jackson White) and Lucy Albright (Grace van Patten) Through two times of time tables, with two love birds governed at Bird College in New York State in 2008 and unified at a joint friend’s wedding in 2015. However, the show, led by the show Megan Openheimer, does a great job in dividing his focus in ways that always feel nature. Despite the fact that he focuses on Stephen and Lucy, everyone in their surroundings suffers from their own problems (and often ended in the duo’s drama as well).

This is the place where the Drew Reggli (Benjamin and Edzworth), the younger brother of Mike Regglie (Spence House). The year … and as it turned out, Drew knows more about this terrible situation more than anyone realized at first. So what role did he play in the accident that took Messi’s life, and what happens to him during the second year season in the show?

Tell me the lies reveal the first season that Drew was involved in a tragic position

When Drew meets during the start of the first season in the movie “Tell Me Lies”, he is only excited to start at Bird College with other beginners and even beating him with Lucy Berri’s friend (Catherine Missal) when everyone meets at the beginning of the year. (Another important thing we mention is that Drew is an invention of the show; it does not seem that Wrigley has siblings in the Carola Lovering book.) This is when the tragedy wanders. During the first week of school, Messi was killed in a car accidentAnd in the second episode of the show, Drew reveals something horrific for Stephen and Retley: He was driving the car that led to Messi from the road. He was drinking and driving, so he was asked not to transfer him to the police.

Regeli ends drunk at a party later and the truth descends to his girlfriend at the time, Pipa (Sonia Mina), which is destroyed by this disclosure in a concept … and when it comes to the participation of Stephen, it is actually worse (because, being Stephen, he lies in that). Stephen and Messi participated before her death and was In the car with it When she died when Lucy learned that Stephen and Messi saw each other secretly, telling her about the accident and saying that Messi was drunk as well and he died while he woke up after the accident. (This is half true. Both are drunk, but Stephen left her there for death instead of getting involved.) awesome In hiding her emotions – and while Berri continues, she takes a radical step and writes a letter to the school administration, which is involved in Messi’s death. Drew, who was eventually expelled, appears at a party after the investigation persuaded that Pipa wrote the letter and attacks his brother, which led to an end to the end of the Regley football profession in Bird.

Drew’s fate has been revealed in Tell Me Lies Season 2

Throughout the second season of “Tell Me Lies”, Druo is very absent because of the fact that he was expelled from school where the 2008 timetable was appointed … but at the end of the second season “do not struggle like this, or I will love you only more,” He came to visit the relationship between them in alcohol (after the Baired season (after their season, it is by the mutual friend Diana (Alicia) our friends. ” The two brothers in the parties … and I take the prescribed pain medications for Wrigley after his accident (which caused Drew).

When Regley wakes up the next morning, Drew died from an overdose, and a frightening Regley (who already deals with major mental health struggles at this stage). Regeli, crying, says that the pill was released time and did not realize that he could not give them to the face while drinking them too. “I am the person who gave him birth control pills and I am the person who destroyed his life,” says Regeli through tears, who also explains Lucy – because the reason Druo was expelled in the first place. It is a truly devastating way to finish the second season, and this plan appears to have been in business since the beginning of the show.

According to The Showrunner of Tell Me Lies, the end of DRO was planned from the beginning

Megan Obenheimer sat the mind behind Tell Me Lies TV. diverse In October 2024, after the second season ended the explanation of the reason for the death of Drew in the second season of the series … and also She revealed that she actually meant that she was killed in the conclusion of the first season, but she did not end at the time.

“During the first season, I thought it would be the end of the first season, then there was a lot, and we did not need it,” Obenheimer explained, saying that Drew’s death is inevitable. “So I always knew that he would die. Ben is so cool and so beautiful that when we started the book room for season 2, I was like,” is there any way we could be? “It was not logical that Regley was destroyed by the end of the season.

Obenheimer is certainly right in Regley, who threatens his mental health and his drug addiction and alcohol from obstructing his life in Bird and abroad. How will Regeli deal with all this in the next third season of the exhibition?

Will Drew return to the 3 -season season?

The way Drew died, with Rigli next to him after he spent the two at night parties and took grains, she is IncrediblyIt is also safe to say that the character will likely not appear in the third season. However, the repercussions of his accidental death will surely be a large part of the next batch of show, especially when it comes to Wrigley. As I mentioned several times, Regley is struggling with alcohol and drug consequences, which is also It spends a large part of the 2 season with dangerous depression. It does not seem to be “fine” in any way when we see it in 2015, either – during a wild wedding celebrations, is road More than anyone else.

Then there is Lucy, who wrote a letter accusing Drew of something he did not do. Lucy does not know that yet, but Stephen does, as well as Diana, his ex -girlfriend. This information is likely to appear in one way or another, which will destroy Lucy and WRIGLEY so far. A lot of drama will decrease in the third season of “Tell Me Lies”, and there is no doubt that Drew’s death will wave on the horizon.

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If you or anyone you know needs mental health help, please call The text of the crisis text By text messages to 741741, call National Alliance for Mental Disease Auxiliary line at 1-800-950-nami (6264), or visit The National Institute of Mental Health.

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