Webb telescope captures the direct guide on carbon dioxide on the outer planets

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By [email protected]

NASA’s WEBB Space Telescope took pictures of carbon dioxide on a planet outside our solar system for the first time.

The pictures feature HR 8799, which is a 130 light -year -old system of Earth. The discovery does not reveal an essential chemical compound on Earth for operations, including photosynthesis and carbon cycle, but also indicates that the giant gas planets in other places of the galaxy are formed in a similar way for our local agents, Jupiter and Saturn. The team’s analysis of Webb photos was Published Today in the astronomical physical magazine.

“By discovering these powerful carbon dioxide features, we have shown that there is a large part of heavier elements, such as carbon, oxygen and iron, in the atmosphere of these planets,” said William Palmer, astronomical physicist at Johns Hopkins University. “Given what we know about the star around him, it is possible that it indicates that it was formed through the basic accumulation.”

The age of the human resources system is 8799 million years, which makes him frankly a child in deep time standards, as it only started in the middle of the road between the dinosaurs that are wiped and the modern era. (Our solar system is about 4.6 billion years).

Because of its emerging development, the planets in the HR 8799 system are seen from which they emit a lot of infrared-ideal emissions of the web space telescope, which is imagined in the lengths of infrared and close infrared radiation. By analyzing these emissions, scientists can determine how planets are formed and revealed other characteristics of these distant worlds.

Palmer said in the statement: “Our hope for this type of research is to understand our solar system, life, and ourselves compared to other external planets systems, so that we can set a context for our existence.”

They added, “We want to take pictures of other solar energy systems and see how they are similar or different when compared.” From there, we can try to get to know the really strangeness of our solar system – or a normal range. “

Large planets such as Jupiter form one of two ways, as much as the planetary scientists know: either they develop a solid nuclei that is then known for the attractiveness of gas, or quickly collapses into a planet from the cooling material disk around a young star.

Based on its analysis, the team believes that the four planets in the HR 8799, which was formed from bottom to top, and studying more Webb notes can reveal how common-or Nader-this approach to building the world.

التوضيح: <a href ="https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/news/10033/imagelist" الهدف ="_فارغ"> Melissa Weiss/Astronomical Physics Center Harvard and Smithsonian </a>“Width =” 1024 “Height =” 683 “srcSet =” https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2022/11/01527ee2a49f816eaa2c5E8a19db96EF-1024×683.jpg 1024w, https://gizmodo.com/App/uploads/2022/11/01527e49f816eaa2c5e8a19db96ef-300×200.jpg 300w, https://gizmodo.com/App/uploads/2022/11/0152a2a49f816eaa2c5e8a19db96ef-768×512.jpg 768W, https://gizmodo.com/App/uploads/2022/11/0152A2A49f816eaa2c5E8a19db96ef-336×224.jpg 336w, https://gizmodo.com/App/uploads/2022/11/0152A2A49f816eaa2c5E8a19db96ef-680×453.jpg 680w, https://gizmodo.com/App/uploads/2022/11/0152A2A49f816eaa2c5e8a19db96ef-896×597.jpg 896W, https://gizmodo.com/App/uploads/2022/11/0152A2A49f816eaa2c5e8a19db96ef.jpg 1296w “sizes =” (Max-width: 1023px) CALC (100vw – 2rem), (Max -Width: 1279PX) CALC (100vW – 26rem), 680px “/><figcaption id=clarification: Melissa Weiss/Astronomical Physics Center Harvard and Smithsonian

In 2022, web telescope discoverer Unambroked evidence on carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of remote outdoor planets is called WASP-39B. However, this detection was indirectly conducted, and therefore the latest newly approved achievement on the ability of the telescope to discover gas in distant stars systems.

Auditing in giant gas planets, such as recently observed in human resources 8799, can help researchers in how these huge planets influence the least largest worlds around us, for the best and worse.

The team’s observations also made the first discovery of the deep regime’s planet, another Webb test ground in flying colors. The millions of dollars in the Space Observatory collect data for data for astronomers for dislocation, and to reveal the oldest sources of light that we can see and provoke the details of the very fainted planets to determine.

Webb revolutions a revolution in astronomical physical discoveries that scientists can make them look at distant space. The telescope is expected to work for a period of no less than a decade, and perhaps for a longer period, so the bustle for years is one of the new ideas in the formation of planets.


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