Since the merging of the Google Assistant for Waze On iOS in 2020, IPHONE users have faced continuous problems that the company has had solved for “more than a year”, waze books In a post, apologize for “prolonged inconvenience”.
On Wednesday, the mobile application officially stopped this feature.
a lot Users It has been reported to Reddit that when they click the Microphone button and speak, there is no response, although the assistant seems to discover their voice.
As an alternative, the company plans to provide a “improvement solution to the improvement of the phonetic interaction” at one time in the near future, as mentioned in a recent announcement about the official forum. Waze has also been tested with artificial intelligence.Conversation reports“A feature since October 2024, allowing users to report accidents using their voice.
The timing of change is logical, like Google Declare Earlier this month, you send more users from assistant to Gemini. The technology giant intends to gradually get rid of the assistant on most mobile devices and mobile applications later this year.
Currently, Android users will continue to use the Google Assistant for Waze.
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