US officials decrease people who are trying to bring valuable eggs across the border

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By [email protected]

US President Donald Trump has repeatedly said Fintanel flowing murderous drugs Through the borders it must be stopped.

But American border officials are increasingly decreasing on another valuable product these days: egg.

Officials performed 3,254 egg -related seizures in January and February 2025, According to the new data issued by American customs and border protection (CBP). This is an 116 percent increase in egg episodes, compared to 1508 events in the same two months before the year.

The rise comes at a time when wholesale egg prices in the United States are destroyed by breaking records as an accelerated outbreak of bird flu in the chicken supply mode. Trump promised to reduce egg prices on his first day in office, but prices increased by 59 percent year on year in February, the first full month of his administration.

Although wholesale prices may return to the bottom, they “have not yet been reflected on the shelves of stores,” he said. The latest overview of the egg markets in the US Department of Agriculture.

Egg objections at the border crossing in Detroit (where most eggs from Canada) increased by 36 percent in the fiscal year 2025 compared to the same time period in 2024, according to data from CBP to CBC news.

Watch | American work is going on the high prices of eggs:

American companies are scrambled to manage high eggs

The prices of eggs in the United States have increased recently, due significantly to a shortage of birds in the bird. Some companies have been forced to raise prices and even rent chicken to manage the situation.

In Windsor, Oant. Dozens of large white eggs in Wal Mart It currently costs about $ 3.93. On the other side of the border in MichiganTen large white white eggs in Walmart costs about $ 8.50 CDN.

In general, the American CBP is 36 percent increase in eggs held in all entry ports in this fiscal year, which is October 2024 to February 2025.

These numbers do not pick up what is already smuggled into the country, although CBP says most of the egg episodes occur after the travelers announced the goodness of the product.

32 % fentanel attacks

Ventanil, on the other hand, was intercepted by CBP 134 times in January and February this year, a decrease of 32 percent of 197 of the seizures in the same two months in 2024. of these events 134 in 2025, were nine on the northern border with Canada, and took nearly 0.53 kg from 740 kg.

Canada represented less than one percent Among all the imports of fentianils in the United States, according to federal data. About 19.5 kg was seized on the northern border last year, compared to 9,570 kg on the southwestern border.

The latest monthly Consumer price index Dozens of Eggs of AD showed an average of $ 5.90, or about $ 8.40 CDN, in American cities in February, an increase of 10.4 percent over last year. The record price in January From $ 4.95, or about 7 CDN.

CBP issued at least two different warnings so far this year about the smuggling of raw eggs across the border from Mexico. The San Diego Field Office has witnessed a 158 percent increase in egg objections since the 2024 fiscal year, according to Press statement on February 27.

Meanwhile, Customs and US Border Customs agents have stopped at least 90 people from trying to smuggle raw eggs into the country from Mexico since January. Press statement February 21.!/cpImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_1180/egg-prices.jpg?im=Resize%3D620

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