UBISOFT Asssin’s Creed said to search for games supporters

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By [email protected]

(Bloomberg)-Ubisoft Entertainment SA is looking to bring investors to a new entity that will include some of its basic intellectual property that plays the video, including Assassin’s Creed, according to people familiar with the situation.

Most of them read from Bloomberg

The people said that the company is considering selling a minority stake in the project and contacted the potential supporters, including the current shareholders Tirmings Ltd. Funds in the world and in France, where there is Ubisoft. UBISOFT requested that preliminary bids be made once this month, adding people, and asked not to know a special issue.

The people said that Ubisoft, founded by the France Guillemot family, may seek to evaluate the IP unit that has not yet been formed from the size of the main company. They added that the considerations are continuing, and no final decision has been taken and the plans could change.

Ubisoft actor referred a query to comment on the company’s quarterly profits, saying that reviewing many strategic and transformational options continues to help extract the best value of the Ubisoft assets and privileges for all stakeholders. Tenning refused to comment.

Ubisoft shares increased by 4 % to 12.78 euros at 11:29 am in Paris trading on Friday after gaining up to 4.6 %.

Bloomberg News reported last year that the Guillemot family and Tencent are studying different options for Obsouoft, including the potential acquisition, according to Bloomberg News last year. In January, people familiar with the matter said that the parties were looking to create the new project that contains some video game assets.

Dragon follows a decrease in the price of Ubisoft, which decreased for four years in a row, including a 43 % decrease in 2024. The value of the Paris is now about 1.7 billion euros ($ 1.8 billion).

Ubisoft total sales of 318 million euros in the quarter to December, a 50 % decrease from the previous year, according to February 13 statement. As part of the cost reduction efforts, the company stops the Shooter XDEFIANT game and also closed three production studios. Obsoft said that the shadows of the doctrine from Assassin dates back for the first time on March 20, and the prior requests of the game “track strongly”.

-With the help of Jason Burr.


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