Looking for Newest Regular communication answers? Click here for contacts todayIn addition to our daily answers and hints of the cross -crossed word in the New York Times, puzzles and ropes.
Communications: Sports Edition It contains two categories of categories that play mathematical names that are also regular words, know your lists, and you will do OK. Read on to get hints and answers.
Communications: Sports version outside the experimental version now, and it appears for the first time Super Ball SundayFebruary 9. This is a sign that the game has gained a sufficient number of loyal players, as the sports sports site based on the Times owned subscriptions will continue to publish it. It does not appear in the NYT Games app but it now appears in the private ATHLETIC app. Or you can continue to run it for free online.
Read more: Connections NYT: Sports version puzzles come out of beta
Today’s contacts: sports edition groups
Here are four tips for gatherings in Connections: SPORTS EDITION Puzzle, ranked from the easiest group of yellow to a difficult purple (and sometimes strange).
Yellow Group Hint: Splish-Splash.
Green Group Hint: Win your patrol.
Blue Group Hint: Hoopsters.
Purple Group Hint: Recliners.
Answers to communications today: Sports edition groups
Yellow Group: Four major swimming strikes.
Green Group: Types of fictional tournaments.
Blue Group: NBA number 1 chooses.
The purple group: NFL QBS, missing message.
Read more: Wordle cheating paper: Here are the most popular letters used in English words
What are the contacts today: Answers to the sports version?
Connections Nyt Connections: SPORTS EDITION on March 24, 2025.
Yellow words in contacts today
The topic is four major swimming strokes. The four answers, breasts, flying and bitter.
Green words in contacts today
The topic is the types of fictional championships. The four answers are the family, the goalkeeper, the Redraft and Rotisserie.
Blue words in contacts today
The topic is NBA options No. 1. The four answers are the brand, towns, walls and loudness.
Purple words in contacts today
The topic is NFL QBS, missing a message. The four answers are cousin, field, harm and May.
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