TLC’s polyfamily: Learn about husbands

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New TLC offer polyfamily The complications of a multi -vertebraic four -vertebral relationship will explore closed.

polyfamilyWhich will be released on Tuesday, April 29, follows two married couples, Alice and Tylerand Shun and TayaThose who chose to all live together as a closed squad. Although they are married, Tyler also returns to Sean’s wife, Taya, while Sean returns to Tyler’s wife, Alice.

“We only get used to ourselves and marry ourselves,” Sean explained in US weekly An exclusive clip of the trailer. “We do not have any external partners.”

Alyssa noticed that she “did not start living their lives like this,” but it ended up.

“We realized that we could love more than one person and set our own rules regarding what we want our family to look,” I participated.

Before she became a common unit, Alice, Tyler and religion were already for a son and his daughter. However, after meeting with Sean and Taya, the four adults welcomed another son with another child on the way.

“Since men replace the rooms every night, we do not know who are the fathers of the young children,” Taya participated in the trailer, with Tyler’s indication that they do not want to know who the biological fathers are because it may “cause a lot of harm.”

Continue to scroll to learn more about each couple:

Sean and Taiya

TLCS Polyfamily Get to know Sean Taya Tyler and Alicia

Sean and Taya got married for six years before they arrived in the quarter.

Taya admitted that they faced a “reaction” from their families and friends after they told them about their complex multiple relationship with Tyler and Alicia.

She told today In January 2023. “But now it is very natural for all of us and I feel very grateful for the presence of many partners to raise children with them. Why don’t you want more love, support and more hands? It is a messy, loyal, crazy and wonderful life and I cannot think of anything else we can want.”

Tyler and Alicia

TLCS Polyfamily Get to know Sean Taya Tyler and Alicia

After 11 years together, Tyler and Elisia chose to enter in a closed quadruple with Sean and Taia. The couple was already a parent with a son and daughter before meeting the other husband.

“Our children have already known that we are returning to Sean and Taya,” told Tyler today In an interview in January 2023. “We told them, as you know, my boy’s mother and father had a friend and we will move together, and we will all be a big family and they will help you, so we will need you to treat her as we treated – like parents.”

Although she is happy with her life, Alice admits that she is “jealous” sometimes on the romance of Taia and Tyler because “it looks like a state of love more than him and any.

Sean and Alicia

ALYSIA and Sean started dating each other in a quarter.

Love is the curtains Tyler Francis says he feels like a child glorifying for his biological children

Related to: Love is Tyler’s Tyler feels like a “glorious children’s gly

Love is the blind star, Tyler Francis, who is not believed to be the father of his biological children. Tyler, 34, said on Wednesday, November 20, the episode “Dear Future Wife”, referring to his friend (…) “He is a very sticky situation because I do not feel that I am a father and told this to Bari herself.”

“We did not even know what Polyamory was, until we started getting feelings towards each other,” Alicia admitted to it. today In January 2023.

Taya and Tyler

Regardless of marriage to their partners concerned, Taya and Tayler have their own relationship.

He watches polyfamily On TLC on Tuesday, April 29 at 10 pm East time.

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