The VIP of the Mexican Public Prosecutor Investigation of the alleged Cartel killing site where the bones were found, “The truth will come out”

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By [email protected]

On Wednesday, the Mexico Prosecutor reported violations of an investigation by the state authorities in Cartel killing site and training camp On a farm in the western state of Galisco, where people Searching for relatives Bones and hundreds of materials were found from clothes and other personal effects.

The “horror farm” was found, and some local media were called in Tichitlan, outside Guadalajara, by the authorities in September 2024. Fragments of charred bones and personal thingsAsking questions about the original investigation by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Gallisco.

Prosecutor Alejandro Gertz Maniro, whose office took the investigation last week, said that investigators in Gallisco failed to record evidence, fingerprints and car operations on the farm, and three of them were later stolen.

He said that the local authorities did not investigate the ownership of the farm and failed to analyze the sites scientifically on the farm to understand whether it was used as a burning. He said that the investigators did not arrest the local officials who were linked to activities on the farm.

Mexico violence

The demonstrators carry pictures of missing persons after the discovery of the remains of the skeleton at the Izaguirre farm in Tuchitlan, Galissco State, Mexico, on Sunday, March 16, 2025.

Alfredo Moya / father

Gertz Maniro said at a press conference that the wide evidence means “the truth will appear” about the horrific discovery on a farm in the western state of Galisco.

Last week, the United Nations Office for Human Rights called for “comprehensive, independent, neutral and transparent investigations” to clear crimes.

Gertz Maniro said that federal prosecutors were also not alerted about the site, as well as the standard procedure, and blame the prosecutor’s office, although the National Guard is conducting a site at the site that was carried out last year. He added that there is still sufficient information to confirm whether the farm was used for bodies of the bodies or kartel organs.

The Jalisco Search Warriors Group collection last week shared pictures that shocked many in a country that has long been accustomed to Stark of Cartel Warfare, enforced disappearance and government corruption. Pictures and videos showed dozens of shoes and clothes piles and what appears to be human bone fragments.

Mexico violence

This image, issued by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the state of Galissco, shows shoes on the Isaaguer farm where structural remains were discovered in the municipality of Tetuchitlan, Mexico, on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.

The Public Prosecutor Office in Gallisco via AP

These collective groups have always risked their life to search for answers about what happened to 120,000 people who disappeared in Mexico in the face of impunity.

Celebrations and protests It happened on the weekend to the victims of the alleged site.

On Monday, a The video was distributed They appear convincing men and armed men who have read a statement that define themselves as the new Gillesco Cartel generation and question the motives of researchers.

Jalisco Cartel was one of eight criminal organizations in Latin America Custom foreign terrorist organizations last month.

Several mass graves have been found in recent months in Mexico. At least in January 56 bodies have been discovered In unlimited mass graves in northern Mexico, it is not far from the border with the United States.

A Collective grave The authorities said that the discovery of last December in a suburb of Guadalajara with dozens of bags of cut body parts included the remains of 24 people. In the same month, the Mexican authorities said they recovered a total 31 bodies From drilling in Chapas, a mandate that was afflicted by the karttel violence.

Groups looking for missing persons Say that drug trafficking and other organized crime gangs sometimes use ovens to burn their victims and do not leave any trace.

Searching for hidden graves in Mexico


Agence France-Press contributed to this report.×630/02eb5fbeef89ce0505855eb9fbcd4a2e/ap25075808535342.jpg?v=765ef194a4bf4701e45ec9d5712af42f

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