The United States is not ready to win the economic war against the containers that built China

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By [email protected]

Suzu, China – March 18: The 366 -meter -long container “One Forever” contains 56 meters long and 51 meters wide, from drips boats preparing to leave Doctyard of Jiangsu Yangzi -Mitsui Shipbuilding Co. , Ltd.

VCG | China Visual Group Gety pictures

Commercial interests, from American farmers to global ocean companies, warn of severe economic damage of the proposals that the US government views to Strokes made in China With highly slope fines when they call American ports. They say that the goal of returning more ships to the United States is inconsistent with the reality in the global ocean trade market, as all container movement will be transferred to the ships built in China.

An estimated 98 % of the World Film Fleet will be subjected to calling American ports because the fees apply to both current Chinese ships or future ships in the transportation company orders, and any airline has at least one request for books for a ship made in China, according to the Global Shipping Council, which represents the international ocean shipping industry. Currently, 90 % of the world’s ships are subject to fees. According to the marine difference, the total number of port calls made by the lining of the depths of the depths of the seas in the United States in 2024 was 12,410.

On Monday and Wednesday, listening sessions were held by the American Trade Representative to consider the implementation of the sanctions. The investigation, which started during the era of President Joe Biden, was crowned The report was issued in January This concluded that the construction of ships and marine industry in China has an unfair advantage. Now, it continues before Trump Administration as part of the president Expanding global economic and trade warWith Trump said in his recent speech to Congress that he will create a new building office in the White House that would provide special tax incentives to return more ships to the United States

“The exporters of agriculture in the country are united in anxiety and opposition to the proposal,” said Peter Friedman, Executive Director of the Agricultural Transport Coalition, in a certificate prepared before the session. “We are not opposed to the goal, but we are not ready to sacrifice American agriculture and societies throughout the country, which will be economically or worse, through a plan like the present, which would eliminate our ability to sell agriculture outside our borders.”

AGTC says that there are no suitable ships for the United States suitable for international commercial shipping today that can move agricultural goods, transport containers, loose ships, fracture ships, and through products that include corn, wheat, grains and soybeans. “If it is available at a reasonable cost, American exporters, including agriculture, will actually use this option,” Friedman said in his testimony.

He said that the delicate margins faced by farmers in the global economy, and the growing and intensive competition for bulk goods, should be taken into account in the ship’s options to transport goods. In other words, Friedman in his testimony on Monday, “The pigs in China could not give a curse where soybeans come from. I mainly told these sources that you are out of work.”

To punish ocean carriers using Chinese Chinese ships to move trade, the United States government Proposal Acute fees on Chinese -made ships that reach the United States ports. For China -owned operators (such as COSCO), service fees of up to one million dollars can be imposed on each ship. For non -Chinese ocean companies that contain fleets containing Chinese ships, service fees will be up to $ 1.5 million for each American communication port.

According to WSC data, a total of $ 1.5 trillion is transferred in American trade annually by directly or indirectly. The steps shipping industry supports more than 6.4 million jobs in the United States and contribute more than $ 1.1 trillion to GDP. The proposed port fees from USTR can add from 600 to 800 dollars per container, which will double the cost of charging American exports and hitting American farmers in particular, according to an atmosphere of Karamic, WSC president.

“The proposals will increase the costs of American exporters and consumers in addition to the incompetence of the supply chain, with its failure to provide China with effective incentives to change its actions, policies and practices,” Karamic said in his prepared testimony before the USTR.

More than 300 commercial societies At the federal and local and local level, as well as hundreds of companies and individuals, comments were made in protest against the fees.

Promoting the USTR proposal and the broader anxiety in the United States is a huge jump in the orders of the Chinese ship.

Under USTR proposals, a medium -sized training container can incur 6,600 traditional units approximately $ 6,350 as a 40 -foot container. This will be twice the rates of sites to almost shipping between New York and Rotterdam.

The container containers that serve the United States are usually connected to 3-4 American ports on each trip, according to WSC. Kramek said that the call fees ranging from one million dollars to $ 3.5 million (if multiple layers of proposed penalties are applicable) for each port on each trip will lead to fewer American ports calls, especially to small and medium -sized ports. Ports labor, truck transport, railways, warehouses, and other jobs that greatly support these ports, as well as companies that depend on proximity to these ports.

“The crowding fees will be generated in larger ports while reducing service in the smaller ports, as ship operators reduce the number of calls to the American ports that their ships make on every road.”

Alan Murphy, CEO of SEA -Sinkinigence, told CNBC that ocean transport companies will not only eliminate sailing into secondary and third ports and convert more containers to the main ports to avoid fees, but will also take out more containers in Canada. The total number of port calls to Canadian ports was in 2024 1692, according to sea material.

Murphy said: “Halifax, Montreal, Prince Robert and Vancouver ports will receive more containers, as they reduce ocean transport companies from the number of US ports calls,” Murphy said. “This will be at the expense of smaller ports like Jacksonville, Tamba, Oakland, Boston, Philadelphia, Miami and Badimore that can be avoided. You will face the largest ports with congestion with additional containers.

Surin told Toft, CEO of the world’s largest ocean airline, MSC, CNBC at the last TPM conference in Long Beach, California, that at least one port, Oakland port, can be eliminated, while converting containers into alternative ports like Los Angeles and Long Beach.

The director of the Port of Oakland Maritime Port Brian Brands told CNBC at this stage that the discussion was speculative.

“There is still a draft proposals under development, but we have to wait and see what additional fees have been enacted – if any – to determine any effects. Our main concern about the suggestion is the unintended consequences that these fees can link on agricultural exporters and other American companies that use Oakland as a gate to reach markets around the world.”

The state of construction of American ships

The current American law, known as “Jones Law”, requires certain types of vessels, and ships that only travel within the local ports, which will be built in the United States, there are 30 containers designed by the United States active today, with average age in 24 years. Model life of a ship between 20-30 years.

“The revitalization of the US marine industry will be very positive,” Karamek said in his testimony, but added that reducing the current activity is not the way to rebuild local ships. He said: “Instead of reducing ships that can carry exports and impose backward fees for companies with a backward appearance on shipping companies that help lead the American economy, the administration with Congress must work on an aspiration strategy designed constructively to stimulate the American navy.”

But any attempt to achieve this goal through financing from the proposed fees would create many economic losers, according to a study commissioned by many commercial groups, including AGTC and the American & Footwear. the A report from the commercial partnership around the world Each proposed USTR treatment said the United States and the primary goal of the Trump administration of 3 % economic growth. In addition, American exports will decrease, which may contribute to the exacerbation of the American trade deficit. “While the American shipbuilding industry (manufacturers and workers) will benefit from the treatment proposals, many sectors of the economy (farmers, manufacturers and service providers, including their workers) will harm, and this is often done greatly,” the report concluded.

In his written testimony, Nate Hermann, First Vice President of Policy at the American Apparel & Footwear, said the ships that are implemented, operated, and a building is not available.

Hermann said: “Even when they are, it is not a competition, which makes them a non -fee option for exporters and importers,” Hermann said. “We are already in an inflationary economy. Americans cannot bear more prices in prices and lack of products. American manufacturers and farmers cannot lose more export markets. This is especially true when many of these export markets are already closed due to the retaliatory tariff.”

According to the latest data from the US Marine Ministry of Transport Administration, the United States had 182 ships that have been marked.

Members of the World Shipping Council are running 75 % of the fleet of the Maritime Security Program of the Maritime Trader of its US Naval Administration (consisting of the American flag, commercial ships useful in a commercial point of view, and active military use in international trade available to support the US Department of Defense in the need for implicit lines at the present time, and they transform throughout the abdomen. In the United States, shipbuilding ponds.

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