The Teresa Giudice husband seeks to extend the loan in tax debt

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By [email protected]

The insiders revealed this Teresa JudgeHusband, Luis RoyasHe pleads for more time to pay a million dollars loan amid their tax problems.

Modern reports revealed that the couple was exposed to more than $ 3 million of tax privileges.

GIUDICE’s tax debt news raised concerns among “The Real House of New Jersey” and former Bethenny Frankel star, who criticized Giudice because of another marriage of financial legal issues.

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Louis Ruwilas requests an extension of a loan to the New Jersey Palace

Theresa Giodes and Luis Ruwales smiles.
Instagram | Teresa Judge

According to Royleas, Royas had extended a million dollar mortgage loan to Montiville, New Jersey Palace.

the The United States of the sun Court documents that reveal that Rulas not only seeks to extend but also require an additional loan of $ 250,000.

According to the documents, “the borrower’s request, and the lender agreed to extend the date of the first loan entitlement from March 25, 2025, to March 25, 2026.”

In addition, Ruelas agreed to pay a loan fee of $ 5,000 as part of the extension agreement.

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Details of the mortgage amendment

Theresa Giodes and Luis Ruwales smiles.
Instagram | Teresa Judge

The mortgage loan, which was originally seized on March 25, 2024, was set to maturity by March 25, 2025. However, the new court files indicate that Rulas had an extension until March 25, 2026.

The documents state that the lender lends to the borrower an additional loan in the main amount of $ 250,000, and the borrower was implemented and delivered to the lender, a mortgage note for the main amount of $ 255,000. “

During the extended loan period, Rulas will continue to pay interest payments only every month until the final date of the final in 2026.

At this point, “the main unpaid balance, along with the benefits due and all other amounts due from the borrower to the lender under the memo documents and the loan documents become due and pay them immediately.”

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Judge Theresa and Luis Ruwilas is $ 3.35 million

Teresa Giudice and Luis Ruelas take a beach vacation in Mykonos, Greece.
One wolf Mega

Giudice and Rulas bought the luxurious Montville in January 2021 for $ 3350,000.

A palace of seven bedrooms, 10 bathrooms feature a home theater, a gym, a recreational room and other high -end amenities.

Abroad, the property is characterized by swimming in the ground, waterfall, Kabana area, and beautiful landscape lands.

Unlike many home buyers, the couple did not initially obtain a loan when they bought the property.

However, Ruelas later obtained a $ 1 million loan in 2024, which now led to the current demand for additional extension and funds.

This last financial step comes as the couple deals with reports of tax debt worth $ 3 million, which increases speculation about their financial stability.

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Teresa Giodes and Luis Royas tax debt

Giudice and Rulas have several million dollars in tax debt, according to L. People Magazine.

Court records revealed that the “Rhonj” star owed 303,889.20 dollars, while Rulas had a tax concession of about $ 2.6 million. In addition, another Royas Layen was released for 163,523.94 dollars in December 2024, which remained an open case on the New Jersey Courts.

Judis, who married Royas in 2022, had spent a 11 -month prison sentence in 2015 on charges of fraud in mail, wires and blockage. Think about her imprisonment, she I mentioned“I know in my heart that I was not supposed to go there. I know I just went because I am in the eyes of the audience.” She also insisted, “I have nothing to hide. Like, I have already done my time, do you know?”

After her release, Judis Ruailas met in 2020, and the couple participated in 2021.

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“He certainly has more than me. I will never take anything from him, I’m not like this,” she added.

Petini Frankl criticizes the Teresa Gods

Judis’s reluctance to signing the anger of the “real housewives in New York City”, Bethani Frankl.

I remember that Giudice warned against Prenup in 2002, which is tweeting, “I may jump via my phone if Teresa_giudice Prenup @andy does not sign.”

Amid news Her colleague Bravo criticized via Video clip on Instagram. “I can’t believe theresa in another marriage with financial legal cases,” Frankl started before remembering a tweet in 2022.

“It seems as if you were watching a movie and you love,” no! Do not open this cabinet! “I just feel terrified, but, like, take me once, you are a fool, deceive me twice, I’m a fool.”

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Frankl also said: “There was no worse in the history of the players from me alongside the Teresa Gods,” Franklk also said.

She also wondered why Gods and Shuels were on TV, saying: “Also, why do both go on TV? Like, there is something wrong with someone who goes on TV knowing that you have a body in your trunk. It seems almost as if it is almost – it’s unreasonable. It is meaningless. It is meaningless.”

Source link×678/2023/06/Teresa-Giudice-And-Husband-Luis-Ruelas-scaled-e1687452474478.jpeg?

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