the The second season of “Severance” He ended with one hell of an ethical dilemma: Should INIE MARK escape with his wife, Gemma, or should he return to HELY to enjoy any residue of his life from the inside? In the pure utilitarian sense, it would be better if he left with Gemma. In this way, Mark can come out from the building safely and explain to her everything that is going on. This is the best snapshot of these characters to land Lumon; It is also their best opportunity to keep GEMMA alive, bearing in mind that it will be targeted by Lumon seriously in the next season.
Instead, he turns Inie Mark and chooses Helly, while Gemma beg with him from outside the door. It is not clear how much this position Jimma understands, because no one told her that Mark had been cut off. However, she should see her husband running with another woman, especially when that woman is the daughter of the CEO who kept her as a laboratory raft over the past few years. “Cold Harbour” is one of the tragic, giant giant ship with regard to GEMMA and Outtie Mark, one of the painful tragedy of another great fictional tragedy that was first said thousands of years ago: Orpheus and Eurydice tragedy.
In this Greek legend, a musician named Orpheus suffers from a sudden loss of his true love, Eurydice, so he travels to the risky, lower world to return it. This is an almost worthy achievement, but through his beloved and musical talent, Orpheus barely He managed to pull it. Hadis, the god of the underworld, Orfius offers the opportunity at a happy end: he must go on a long way across the caves to the living world; The Eurydice will follow behind it, but the base is that Orpheus cannot turn to verify whether it is there. If you turn, it returns to the land of the dead forever. If he remains confident and continues to look forward to the entire trip, you will get staying and the two can live in permanent happiness. You will never guess what happens after that …
Orfius, like Mark, is completely suffocated in the last second
Unfortunately, Orfius cannot maintain faith throughout the trip to the home. Throughout the long walk, it grows increasingly that Urica is behind it. When it is just steps away from the finish line, he turns and sees that Eurydice was already there. It has been sent to the underworld forever, leaving the poor Orpheus to live while knowing that it was floundering in Badi.
Sadness is so bad that it kills it literally, at least in some versions of the story. In other versions, he bears his head but remains alive in a magically. One of the devastating photography was in particular (relatively modern) for this version In the “The Sandman” comicsWhere the head of Orvius is alive and literally left for thousands of years, and little work was given, but thinking about how everything could be.
My favorite version of the story is “Hadstown” the last Broadway Musical, which adds an additional comment in the chapter that makes it more stinging. In this version, people trapped in the underworld are the used working class, and the failure of Orvius hurts me more because these workers were inspired by his words and they are likely to use his success in starting their revolution.
The story of Orvius and Irvis has persevered for thousands of years because of its association. We all felt an opportunity, from a lost chance of happiness. Loss of harm, definitely, but it hurts me more when you have completely won. This is a part of making the “Severance” conclusion very great: If INIE Mark has documented in Outtie a little more, or if Outtie Mark had done a better job in the initiator of Innie Mark in advance, then INIE Mark may have returned as Orpheus did. Outtie Mark and Gemma could have their permanent chance of happiness, but they did not do that, and this is much more than if there was no hope at all.
Of course, Mark/Orpheus Paralle is not perfect
It shows the similarities between “Sevency”, the Orpheus and Eurydice legend in this season more than this season Best episode, “Chikhai Bardo,” Which has been completely detailed how GEMMA has been over the past few years. This episode has proven that it is besieged in the metaphorical hell throughout the entire show, and it is the mission of Mark in the journey via the mysterious Lomon caves (sorry, corridors) to lead.
But although the Innie Mark decision at the last minute to return has a common ton with the Orpheus error, it is not a complete tragedy-at least, from its perspective in Innie. Innie Mark is simply not interested in Gemma and Outtie Mark a lot; These people are strangers to him. The happy reading in the conclusion of the second season is that Mark has made a romantic choice to determine the priorities of his love for him for everything else, even if he knows that Life inside Lomon will be messy at best to the third season. Of course, the appearance of doubt on the face of Innie Mark ultimately shows that he himself does not completely buy this optimistic interpretation.
You can say that he was selfish than to leave Gemma there, but was that less selfish than Ote Mark’s lack of sympathy for the plot of Innie Mark? Hilli said earlier in the episode, “They gave us half a life and expected not to fight for it.” The line not only applies to the Eagan family, but also to Outtie Mark as well. Perhaps he had a little sympathy for what INIE was going through, but INIE Mark was immediately when he said that Outtie Mark started to care only as soon as he needed something.
Even after Outtie Mark began to be interested in Inny, he still failed to see him as a full person whose life was the same as the importance of his property. Unlike Orpheus, the doubt was not that Outtie Mark has declined; His inability to estimate his point of view was. But while the story of Orvius generally ends this tragic observation, the story of Ote Mark still has at least one season to play. I have no idea how a peaceful solution between the two signs works through this point, but at least there is a hope that “separation” will not go far through the legendary tragedy. Perhaps the life of GEMMA and Outtie Mark will not now seem dark.
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