by Chris Senelgov
| Published

There is a common criticism of modern comedy is that writers and managers play things very safe. They are afraid to pay the envelope and put anything really moderate on the screen again. While this is discussed, it is difficult to deny that some comedy than yesterday was much more entertaining because They broke all the rules and did not stop at anything to make the masses laugh. It may be the best example of this ParentStar -studded comedy now flows on Netflix.
Meet parents on Netflix

Parent It has a simple, refreshing and less hostile plot than your funny funny movie on Netflix. We follow the adventures that a man meets the father of his girlfriend for the first time and we hope that she will gain the grace of her father. As you can see, he hopes to suggest it, but he is (a male nurse) and her father (a veterinarian war and a retired CIA) In full Various characters burn on the screen in the scene after a joyful scene.
If you never see it ParentOne of the main reasons for his weteflix streaming is the great actor, starting with The legs pretend (Feeling b Truve thunder and ZoolanderAs a friend of NEBBISH, he tries to persuade the father of his frightening girlfriend. This father plays before Robert de Nero (Feeling b cabbyand BullAnd Cape fear), A former CIA agent hates his new daughter’s friend. Approximation Owen Wilson (Feeling b Royal Tenbauums and Wedding accidentsAs wealthy, former Snobby for a daughter and a potential competition for her emotion.
A long time ago Parent landed NetflixThe film killed a real box office, with $ 330.4 million for a budget of only $ 55 million. This theatrical success led to a classification: Fockers and Fockers. It also led to a brief reality offered Meet my family And call in lawNone of them had a lot of cultural influence.

ParentNevertheless, the influence on critics, and obtained a decisive rating of 85 percent on Spoiled tomatoes. In general, critics noted that the film suffers from some moments of the comic theater at times, but its family humor is happy and that the prominent actors have a wonderful chemistry on the screen. I am mostly agreed with this evaluation, but let’s face it … Most comedy films are also a fan of comic, so it is unlikely that the main audience is postponed through a movie that sometimes participates in The theory of the big explosion-The joke, settings and bonuses.
In fact, one of the most persuasive reasons for the flow Parent On Netflix is that it is loved by the general public. In addition to earning the box office above, the audience is 79 percent of the audience on spoiled tomatoes. This indicates that the average cinema holder is the film on professional film critics, and it is a good sign of comedy that is trying to attract the largest possible number of people.
If you still need more persuasion to watch Parent On Netflix, you should know that it is a great example of the crazy Hollywood gambling that is already its fruits. Ben Steller and Robert de Nero are completely different types of actors, and in a lower movie, the lack of many common denominators may have made both their scenes flat. Instead, their differences as a condemnation in each of their scenes on the intensity of fixed electricity and the inability to predict, adding the weight of the surprise to each lines.

Will you find? Parent As is funny (I have nipples, Greg, can you milk me?)) As you did when you watch it on Netflix or do you hate this movie worse than your foals?
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