New York (AP) – A jury in Georgia Bayer Bayer Monsanto ordered the payment of nearly $ 2.1 billion as compensation to a man saying that the company’s harmful herbal killer caused his cancer, according to lawyers who represent the plaintiff.
The newest judgment coincides with a A long series of court battles Monsanto faced round herbal pesticides. Agricultural chemistry giant says he will appeal the ruling, which was reached in the Georgia Court Hall late on Friday, in the efforts made to cancel the decision.
The law firms, Arnold & ITKIN LLP and Kline & Specter said in a statement that the sanctions granted include $ 65 million of compensatory damage and $ 2 billion of punitive damage. These are the signs One of the biggest Legal settlements have been reached in a case related to the tour.
Prosecutor John Barnes filed a lawsuit against Monsanto in 2021, in search of damage to lymphoma other than Hodgkin. The sentence will help his client in a better position to get the treatment he needs forward.
“It was a long way for him … and he was happy because the truth related to the product (I was subjected),” Vendley told Associated Press on Sunday. He described the ruling as an “important teacher” after “another example of Monsanto’s refusal to accept responsibility for the poisoning of people with this toxic product.”
German -based Bayer, which captured Monsanto in 2018, continued the conflict of demands that the tour caused cancer. But the company was beaten More than 177,000 lawsuits Increase Weedkiller and puts $ 16 billion to settle issues.
In a statement, Monsanto said that the ruling on Friday “contradicts the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence and the consensus of the organizational bodies and their scientific assessments around the world.” The company added that it continues to “stand entirely behind” the Roundup products.
For a variety of crops – including corn, soybeans and cotton – Roundup is designed to work with genetically modified seeds that resist the deadly effect of weeds. Farmers are allowed to produce more while keeping the soil by lower plow.
Some studies link the main component of Roundup, glephosate, with cancer, although the American Environmental Protection Agency He said It is unlikely to be carcinogenic for humans when used as directed. However, many lawsuits on Weedkiller claim that glephosate causes lymphoma other than Hodgkin, on the pretext that Monsanto has failed to warn the public of serious risks for years.
Fendley said the evidence related to the Barnes case shows “many years of covering up” and “rear transactions”. Monsanto was accused of ignoring many scientific studies related to the Roundup Somaya and said that the company “tried to find ways to persuade, behave and deny the relationship between this product and the lymph is not Hodgkin.”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTEyMDA7aD04MDE-/
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