One of the amazing things about “Star Trek” is that it can work in several different ways. “Star Trek: The lower floors” have proven that “Star Treke” is really flexible and can be found as a ridiculous moving comed and A really excellent science fiction series at the same time – It seems that we got the other “Star Trek” comedy that would have experienced the limits of what “Star Trek” could be. In an interview with New York Times In 2021, the executive producer, screenwriter and director Alex Kurstmann revealed that when people in Paramount began looking at the future of “Star Trek” and flowing, there was nearly a vital show that would have been a great swing of the concession.
Although the “lower floors” lasted for five glorious seasons, it seems that there is The “Star Trek” comedy series in business From the “Foreign Room” young Tony News, who played the role of Picet Mariner, at some point we won the “Star Trek” comedy starring Gus Gous and Warf (Michael Dorn). It is not the only cross stadium that was at all, but it seems to be unique!
The tragic world series was wild
According to Kurstmann, there was everything about Warf from Graham Wagner, who worked on offers like “office” before he became a participant in successful success and Modify the “Fallout” stellar video. He said the stadium was “incredible, influential and influential,” and felt was a great example of “pushing the borders” in the world of “Star Trek”. In an interview in Derby gold With Wagner and his ethnic co-Geneva Robertson-Doret, Robertson-Dorret revealed more about the world of Worf who was:
“Graham wrote one of my very favorite pilots, who was on the“ Great Star Trek ”program, which Graham has always described as“ baskets ”to display“ Star Trek ”. But I think what I showed to me is that he has a lot of gap at a time when a unique presence is being present.
“Fallout” contains a lot of dark dark comedy mixed with moments of science fiction, making the “World” experimental voice more interesting. Its comparison with the series “Salal Galifianakis” championship, “Sallal”, about a depressed Rodio Festival, is also brutal, because Worf is basically John Week from the “Star Trek” privilege. It is difficult to imagine it as a kind of subscription Tragic natureBut it was surprising to see Dorne ascending to the challenge.
Michael Dorn has also settled his own offer
Although it was amazing to see a hearty, hearty comedy with the son of Mogh, who caused it, it is not the only presentation centered about the World that happened almost. Dorn himself was actually a project The whole thing will be from the Klingon perspective, with the Federation’s ambassador at Klingon Homeworld Q’onos. “Star Trek” fans came Really love quarrels, klingons fighting They have more basic work to develop the Killer Klingon series, so why not? After all, there The entire language of Clingon This exists, like many languages from Tolkien or Dothraki and Valerian languages from “Game of Thrones”, so they have some of the most difficult to build the world already for them.
It is really shameful that Worf has never had the opportunity to get his own series, and while it was maybe Dorne can return as a character again in a new series of “Star Trek: Picard”, also unlikely. oh well. At least Warf, from Mgh and Martok houses One of the personal arc Over the years. Qapla ‘!
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