The newly released Assassination JFK records show details of CIA’s secret operations in Cuba, but “nothing refers to a second gunman”

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By [email protected]

The newly released documents are related to President John F. KennedyThe assassination of 1963Current readers gave more details on Wednesday in the US Cold War’s operations in other countries, but initially did not provide credibility with the long conspiracy theories about who killed JFK.

Assessments Nearly 2,200 files It was sent by the American Archives and National Records Administration on its website with a huge warning: I had no time from Wednesday to review more than a small part of it. The vast majority of national archives were released for more than 6 million pages of records, photos, animation, audio recordings and antiques related to assassination.

A preliminary review of the Associated Press of more than 63,000 pages of records this week shows that some of them were not directly linked to the assassination, but rather dealt with secret CIA operations, especially in Cuba. In the first documents that examined the conclusion that Kennedy fought Lee Harvey Oswald was the only gunman in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

“Nothing refers to a second gunman,” said Philip Xinon, who wrote a book in 2013 about the assassination. “I haven’t seen any big films rewriving the basic history of the assassination, but it is very early.”

Kennedy was killed on aVisit to DallasWhen his convoy ended through the show in the city center and the shots retreated fromDeposit Texas School Booksbuilding. The police arrested24 -year -old Oswald,The previous naval infantry that put itself from the sniper bumper on the sixth floor. Two days later, Jack Ruby, the owner of a nightclub, shot Ozwald a killer while the prison transmission live on the TV.

Historians hope for new details about the man who killed JFK

A year after the assassination, the Warren committee, which was established by President Lindon Johnson for investigation, concluded that Oswald spent on his own and there was no evidence of a conspiracy. But critics of the committee are still flowing on a network of alternative theories.

Historians hope to obtain details to get out of Oswald’s activities before the assassination and what the CIA and the FBI have known.

Shinon referred on Wednesday to documents previously issued on a trip made by Oswald to Mexico City at the end of September 1963. Records show that Oswald aims to contact the Soviet Union embassy there after she lived as an American headquarters in the Soviet Union from October 1959 to June 1962.

Shinon said that the US government may have kept information about what I knew about Ozwald before the secret of the assassination to hide what he described as “incompetence and laziness.”

“The CIA had a very aggressive observation while he was there, and this was just several weeks before the assassination,” Shinon said. “There is a reason to believe that he spoke frankly about Kennedy’s killing in Mexico City and that people heard him say that.”

Speculation about such details surrounding Kennedy’s severe assassination over the decades, which led to an endless conspiracy theories about many archers and participation by the Soviet, Mafia Federation and the CIA. Feeding the new online speculative version and sending people moving to read the documents and share what you may mean online.

Many documents were already in general, but the information was revised

The latest version of the documents usedAn order from President Donald TrumpAlthough most records have been announced previously with Redncions. Before Tuesday, the researchers estimated that 3000 to 3500 files wereIt is still without releaseEither in whole or in part. Last month,The FBI saidI discovered about 2,400 new records related to the assassination.

Jefferson Morley, Vice President of the Marie Ferrell Foundation, a farewell to the assassination files, said in a statement published on the social platform x Many of the “outstanding classification of trivial information” of documents has been canceled.

The timing of the version attracted criticism from the grandson of Kennedy, Jack Shalosburg.In a publicationIn X, Schlossberg said that the Trump administration did not notify the family before the records were announced.

“A complete surprise, not a shock !!” Shalosburg wrote.

Trump released himExecutive orderTo issue files on January 23.

A blessing for Cold War historians

The latest version is also a blessing for Cold War historians. Timothy Naftali, assistant professor at Columbia University who writes a book on JFK presidency, said scientists now seem to have more details about US intelligence activities during the Kennedy era more than any other president.

For example, in October 1975, US Senate members were investigating what the CIA knew about Ozwald, and a memorandum in October 1975 said they considered the agency “uncomfortable.”

A copy of that memo, which was issued in 2023, revised the name of the Security Communication Authority of the CIA on Ozwald in Mexico, as well as the identity of a person beyond the “penetration of the Cuban embassy” there. The last version shows that security contact was the President of Mexico in 1975, and Luis Echeveria Alvarez, who died in 2022, and that the Mexican government itself penetrated the Cuban embassy.

As Naftali said, before the latest edition, the government issued public copies of the presidential “daily review list” of Johnson represented by foreign intelligence very sensitive in the days after the assassination of Kennedy, but with many of the revised materials. He said now, people can read what Johnson read.

“It is striking that you are able to walk through this secret world,” he said.

Some records provide small details about secret operations

The documents show that in December 1963, the office of the CIA director was receiving messages from the reporters of the activists in Cuba seeking to undermine the government during the reign of Fidel Castro. First, on December 9, 1963, he conveyed a message to the exit from Cuba: “Today Recd Magnum pistols, but no bullets.”

“You get a view of birds from our foreign policy, and you also get a vision of the eye in secret procedures, there is on the ground,” Navataly said.

In a note issued previously in April 1975, the Central Intelligence Agency underestimated what I knew about Ozwald’s visit to Mexico City before the assassination. The memorandum said that the CIA recorded three phone calls between Oswald and a guard at the Soviet embassy, ​​but only in the last one Oswald himself did.

“We are now discovering how much the CIA and the Federal Investigation Office knew before the assassination of Oswald,” Shinon said. “The question is, why did they not behave in their own files?”

This story was originally shown on,600
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