This article contains Moderate spoilers For the “border line”.
In the aftermath of the premiere of Los Angeles, “The border line”, for the first time in “Cocapee Bear” Jimmy Warden, the director acknowledged that when a male singer connects the words “Madonna’s borders”, the lyrics of the songs suddenly become very worrying. There is a recognition that a social contract has been destroyed. It is gentle and fun watching a young woman who illuminates her way through excess data like “You are just keeping my love on the border strip”, but when men do the same, it begins to look like a threat. These sexual expectations, social contracts and implicit assumptions are Border lines From the guidance efforts of Warden, where the pop star in the nineties, called Sofia (weaving Samara) in her home by a fictitious fans named Paul (Ray Nicholson), was convinced that it was not limited to a married woman, but they were in a relationship for years.
It is easy to laugh at a man like Paul, because despite his undoubted look and the smile of Megawat (He can thank his famous father’s inheritance for his availability), It is fair So Plain. When we meet the first time Paul, we are welcome in his twisted imagination of marriage to Sofia, one of them tells the viewers will Be what we see at the end of the story. The cold open movie sees it on its way to the luxurious palace in Sofia while it was not fortunately at home; He took his shoes at the door, wash his clothes in her devices, and she tried her recording equipment in her own studio, and even bubble shower in the Jacuzzi basin. He wanders around her home like a child who left overnight in a gym, and the performance of Nicholson is very electrified, you can only come out a muffled laugh despite the fact that he was able to reach the palace by stabbing the security guard, Bills (Eric Dan), who is currently bleeding in the corridor.
The “border line” has a lot of deliberate moments of fun because Warden is A very funny writerBut the most terrifying thing in horror comedy is the number of times you will laugh. Because it is a story that forces the audience a lot of discomfort, if you don’t laugh, you must lose your mind.
Harm laughter in danger
It will be easy to mistake the “border line” as more than just a strange comedy, and sometimes a screw with parts of the graphic violence that was delivered for good pleasure, but Warden’s text is frankly Impressive In the way you play spectators about the characters, and what he leaves to force us to offer these assumptions on them. We know that Paul suffered from a painful event during a Sofia concert, and this is implicit, but he never confirmed that this is what caused a separation from reality. But we do not know much more. There is no way for us to see if this event is what it really broke, or if it is broken long ago. We know that when he appears on the Sofia threshold for the first time in the movie, this is it no The first time that he appears there as he and her security guard are not only on the basis of the first name, but it seems that Bell already knows that the best path of work is to verify the validity of the wrong belief systems of Paul. It shows us again and again that it is a tremendous threat, but it does not seem to be very seriously taking his presence until it is too late. Is this suspension of the lack of investment in the mental health of men or To what extent was the nineties of the last century for a decade regarding the safety of famous women? The “border line” does not give us easy answers, which may be frustrated, but provide a large space for the discourse.
It is also easy to root Sofia immediately, not only because Samara weaves (And everyone loves the fabric of Samara!) But also because her presence as a beautiful, blonde and white woman tends to have implicit sympathy (Learn about Lost white woman syndromeIf you are not really familiar). Even after we learned that the new Sofia relationship with a player in the American Professional League named Rhodes (the wonderful Jimmie has always failed) was initially organized as a propaganda trick and that it was very rich and never felt the need to learn where the circle is in her home, and we are still rooted for her. In any other movie, a character like Sofia will be “undesirable”, but what makes the “border line” is the smart story is that it is a reminder that there is nothing like the perfect victim, and even “unlikely” people deserve to escape emotional (and physical) terrorism that comes from a fan like Paul as well.
The “border” allows Niccolson and the weave to make a feast from their characters (especially Nicholson), but the scenario is a comedy of mistakes that cause chaos on all concerned. When you are very busy laughing at the attention of Paul, it is not surprising why he was able to move away as much as he has.
Smartly sabotage the icon of Madonna and Rodman
The film was appointed in “1990-something”, and although there were no many aspects required for the scenario for the same film, which reminds you that it is the 1990s movie outside aesthetics or the lack of cells in the cell and Wi-Fi that would have frustrated Paul’s plans before it started, the objective nucleus and the sub-reference of the esoteric culture. Sofia and Rods are mainly the embodiment of Madonna and Chicago Bulls, Dennis Rodman’s player, a man who closed Fevat Avenue in New York City to wear a wedding dress to sign his book.
The “border line” does not forget that iconic moment, but it completely meets it on its head to something In reality Distinctive, as if they looked at all the people who criticized the end of civilization because one of the best apostasy in the history of the American Professional League wore a dress in public places to say, “No, you fool, this It is what should scare you. “However, because many people are still very uncomfortable to treat a male person in female clothes, they will laugh. In the same way that the general public does not remember basketball statistics in Rodman or The horrific allegations were pressed against it but Do Remember his tendency to wear “fashion” for women, the border line knows exactly how the audience will interact, and use it in favor of the movie. Frankly, a lot of the movie works like a Rorschach test – the reaction to horror at hand says much more than the reactor than the movie does to include.
This is the strength of the movie. It is recognized that the speed can be somewhat annoying at times (especially the beginning) and logic is less complete and more “amazing West window in the middle of the winter,” but nothing of this matters when you give yourself in 1990, but at any time, this story can be present. The more things change, the more exactly they are. The public reaction then Is the audience’s reaction? now. And my God is a chill in the spine of acceptance.
The border line is terrifying because it is not out of the possibility
The “border line” is an enjoyable time in movies and features some wonderful shows, which, yes, includes a lot of laughter. The star of “Warrior Nun” Alba BAptista is a full scene thief like Penny, a turbulent French girl with the same amount that works mainly as Harley Quinn for Joker Paul. But among all lines of punching (I felt an audible voice when a young girl accuses Paul of putting a priest in a box and repeating, “We put a shepherd in a box. We Protestants.”)
Most people are sure to realize the terrible tragedies that were launched on characters such as Selena Quintanilla Perez, John Lennon, and actress Rebecca Chevir, but how many people know about the previous one WWE Superstar Sony Deville (real name Daria Berenato) that was chased by a fan Online who finally stormed her home with a knife, plastic cloud links, adhesive and photography? How many people know that the “icarly” star The Miranda Cosgrov chased himself and shot himself in her front courtyard After shooting a woman in her neighborhood resembling her? Does the general public know that Miley Cyrus had many pursuers, including one Which was arrested before the claim “It is the task of my life to drink (for her)?” Or are people only paying attention to these stories when celebrities end?
We have been trained to laugh at these miserable “players” when they explode the famous Instagram page with desperate thirst and women’s teaching “just ignoring the conspirators.” This is all that Jimmy Warden’s movie is very terrifying not only because “a man is fine, chasing and carrying a woman (and others) hostage at a wedding” is a frightening concept, but because such men exist and are not taken historically seriously.
The “border line” knows this and uses it against its fans. As long as we laughed at the policeman who is doing jazz, or the security guard who tries to eat very hot outside the microwave, or the developing man who believes he was in a relationship with the pop star that he never met, we will not know what happened to us until it is too late.
The “border” currently plays in limited and available theaters on VOD.
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