ROM is a major part of the cultural identity of Qamaica, but what makes the Gamaican ROM?
This question is at the center of the conflict that continues to integrate on the Caribbean island, where some producers want to enhance the rules about what can, and cannot be called, “Jamaica Rom”.
In October of last year, the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (Jamaica) approved amendments to the naming of the geographic index (Gi) of Jamaica ROM, which was originally created in 2016. The biggest change is that the aging of the Roman abroad is now banned.
The amendment was called by the Self -Group Association (SPA), which is the Trade Organization that seeks to speak as one voice for the six Roman distillation factories in Jamaica – Appleton (owned by J Wray and Mustice), Claringon, Hamdeen Estate, Long Pond, New Yarmother and Worky Park Estate.
The SPO argument is that GI is stronger to name to be officially recognized in the main export markets – the European Union and the United States.
She says this will give the Rum ROM better protection against competitors, and leads to more drinks that realize this as a distinguished product that has been presented according to high specifications in a specific geographical location.
However, the amendment caused a sensation in Jamaica, because one of the largest producers claims to be removed from work.
This company, National Rums of Jamaica (NRJ), owns Pond Long and 73 % of Clarendon. NRJ consists of three contributors to the Jamaica government, and Demerra Distilles from Guyana and West Indies West Distillery based in Barbados (Wird).
The main factor is that the Wird since 2017 is owned by the French Spirits Company Maison Ferrand. Her business model relies heavily on the export of the rum in large quantities and aging abroad – a thing that is not permitted under the new GA in Jamaica.
He argues that the Romans ranged from the age of Jamaica, Gamiki ROM, and that the island has been issued and the elderly abroad for several centuries.
Thus, NRJ appeals to Jipo, with a hearing scheduled for April 28.

The Self -Group Association says that Wind only started facing problems with the geographical signal after seizing it by Maison Ferrard.
“What we say is, if you really believe in Jamaica ROM, then progress in Jamaica,” says Christopher Getls, General Manager of the Resort.
The rum is usually manufactured by fermentation, then the sugar cane molasses, and the remains of the material -like material after the refined sugar is produced from the plants that have been harvested.
Mr. Gentz says that the aging of the Romans before selling it is of utmost importance, and that doing this outside Jamaica nullifies originality and exclusivity. Thus, he adds that we were “somewhat confused” by intercepting NRJ.
The spa also indicates that exporting lives and aging abroad means that Jamaica lacks value -added processes such as refining, packing packing, signs and distribution, as well as other secondary benefits of the local economy such as ROM tourism.
NRJ and Maison Ferrard refused to comment.
The use of GIS makes the product distinctive, and opens three potential sources of value, according to Dev Gangje, Professor of Intellectual Property Law at Oxford University.
“The first is simply the price premium. Research shows that products can impose fees from 1.5 to 2.7 times more than the standard.”
He adds that this is not always reflected in profit because GI products are often more expensive.
The second reason is “they are the production anchor in that region.” This prevents a product from becoming a year and losing its value – such as cheddar cheese, which was originally from a specific part of the United Kingdom but now a word of cheese.
Finally, Professor Gangji says that geographic information systems help to announce the region and “open other aspects of history and geography,” noting the successful tourism industry in France.
Examples of successful and long -term geographical information systems include whiskey Scotch, champagne, and important Parma.

Another country of the Caribbean Sea region is similarly involved in a dispute on GI and RUM is Barbados. Currently, the island does not have a scheme.
Barbados has five distillation factories and four agreed to formulate the proposed Barbados Gi. The only object was Wird, which has brands like Cockspur.
Similar to the situation in Jamaica, it objects to the proposed rules against aging abroad.
Barbados’s failure to obtain GI thwarted other producers, including Richard Sil, the owner of a distillation factory on the island. “We need to have essential industries rooted here, linked here, which cannot be separated from here,” he says.

Returning to Jamaica, the spa wants to advance the classification of the protected geographical signal of the European Union, but this cannot happen until the procedures have ended in Jipo.
Mr. Getls hopes to reach a compromise, even if that means that both sides are not completely happy. He says: “It is my company that believes that we will one day put this behind us.”
Although the health resort hopes GI will enhance the strongest praise and business, it is also proud of a product closely related to the history of Jamaica.
In the days after the Jamaica newspaper, Jenner supported Jipo’s decision, saying that there are many examples of companies “with the absence of an association of Qamaika trying to suit the ambiguity of the island’s brand.”
He concluded: “When foreign entities become unique Jamaican products, there should be a commitment to maintain the brand integrity strongly.”
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