The last dragon is a wonderful and cheerful snapshot of pop culture in the 1980s

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By [email protected]

I do not know how or why but the 1985 kung fu imagination The last dragon I printed me at a very early age. I have strong memories of watching, her love, and Emotionally communicate with her. For some reason, I was never able to explain the reason. Thus, with the film celebrating the fortieth anniversary of its founding this week, I gave him a reconsideration and discovered not only the reason that I liked, but this is the way better than I remember.

Directed by Michael Schultz Al -Ghair, The last dragon It revolves around a student in New York Kog Fu called Leroy (Timak … only Timak), who is looking for the final level of enlightenment. The journey takes it throughout the city in search of a master that he will teach and also puts it in dispute with Sho-Nuf (Julius Carry), “Shogun of Harlem”, which we self-teach to prove his superiority.

The main thing you remembered The last dragon Is it always dangerous for me. Something about the legends of the martial arts mixed with urban sensitivities made me feel that I would face a problem to see it. Perhaps this is because I was a white child on the eight -year -old watching a movie about cultures that had no idea about scratch. Maybe I couldn’t know when I started and only seen cut and cut. Maybe you are just WIMP. Whatever it is, this is what I felt.

The last dragon group
Sho-NFF and his crew go after Leroy. Which, yes, is often called Bruce Leroy and wears clothes like Bruce Lee. – Sony

Watch him last week, quickly realized any kind of evil or dangerous feelings that she did not exist. Absolutely. In reality , The last dragon It is an innocent, cheerful movie that should have been very honest for me, even to understand as a child. It is a celebration of a time and a completely unfamiliar place for me, it is informed of an indescribable, but welcoming magic. To put it in another way, when I saw for the first time The last dragonCertainly I had no glow.

While Leroy’s endeavor to find this glow, and “The Master”, is the main story, and his competition with Sho-NFF is the main conflict, another story links the two and so on, so 1985. MOREEY) Music videos of his girlfriend, Angie (Prince Al -Iman). Every time I try to kidnap or intimidate Laura though, it happens to tell there. The random knight in a shining shield routine makes Laura the fall of Leroy, although his life was very devoted to fighting arts, but he has social skills.

Through this story, The last dragonThe strange originality is detected. For example, not just the martial arts movie. It is also a deep diving in the 1985 pop culture. Laura’s offer is MTV meetings Soul train Sometimes, The last dragon The default settings to play the music clips on which the characters dance in the movie for a few minutes. (The most prominent of what is “Debarge”, which arose in this movie. He was a accredited guard after that, today, and he will be forever.) The world of Laura is also full of some of the largest and most fashionable costumes in the eighties of the last century-that can be imagined-solar trips, shoulder pads, pieces, and neon, called whatever you want. They all embrace the girl of Eddie Angie. It is the Cyndi Lauper wearing traffic lights as a chest with some of the best scenes and lines in the movie. Basically, The last dragon It tells us that it does not matter whether you are a good young man or a bad man. The appearance and voice of this era is present everywhere and for everyone.

The last dragon vanity
Laura and Leroy are the best – Sony

Leroy and Laura’s relationship is also very rewarding because she has incredibly embarrassment, thus nice energy. Remember that Laura is a famous singer and TV figure, so her vision with great crushing on someone like Leroy Farhan and Hilo (in order to be fair, and may help his good appearance and his engraved body as well). Leroy Laura loves again but has no idea how to express it, adding fun. Then there is the younger brother of Leroy Richie (played by Leo Opion, who passed away in 2012). Richie may be a child, but everything is not to narrate: confident, smooth and attractive. He also suffers from the crushing of Laura and Dinamiki, as a third fake wheel adds more edges. You want to be Laura and Learwi together, but it is almost better when they are not.

All this works in a large part of it because of Timac. His performance is like Leroy, like a cinematic puppy. Nice eyes, fierce loyalty, a little stupid, but completely loved. It is exactly the opposite of what you expect from a deadly combat artist like Leroy, so at any time he should use his skills, this is more influential. Vanity also does an incredible job to make Laura a reasonable personality. We completely buy that a successful person can completely remove his weapon with love. Add up, in the best way, O’Brien and Carry, and The last dragon It comes together brilliantly … some of the stereotypes dated aside.

And yes, there are a lot of procedures in the movie, some are exciting, some of which are slow and slightly boring. But it deserves all this effort for the third behavior that begins with a huge battle Royal and climax with Leroy discovered that it is the last dragon while playing a song called “The Last Dragon” in a movie called The last dragon. Leroy finds glow-literally-and reaches the final level, and defeats Sho-NFF in this process. When watching it again, the scene brought me to crying when I entered nostalgia for childhood. Schultz does a tremendous work in mixing each element of filmmaking – music, music, editing, visual effects, etc. – to a completely ideal cinematic moment. Here is. You’re welcome.

This is when he hit me. like The last dragon It ended, I realized that these climatic moments were responsible for all this. I definitely had memories of the rest of the movie, but the end? I remembered every empty difference from it. Memories of the past, delivery of the line, the ideal bow for spraying water off the head of Leroy. It is one of those ends that conclude with the experience of all the film’s stories, and is implemented with a completely new flow of energy, so that it is not completely forgotten. The movie, like Leroy, finally finds this additional level of enlightenment.

The last dragon Don’t just test time, but it is playing. Exploring multiple cultures and colors in a fun and enjoyable movement package creates a snapshot that does not resemble anything else, with unexpected joy and innocence they raise them over the similar fare. I liked the movie that grows up, even if I don’t completely understand the reason, and now I think I love it more because I can see how privacy of the matter from start to end. Especially the end.

The last dragon It celebrates the fortieth anniversary of its founding on March 22nd. It is not currently flowing anywhere but it is available on Blu-ray and appears in services from time to time.

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