The last days of Galactic Starcruiser dated in a new movie

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By [email protected]

Nearly two years ago, Disney closed Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiserand It is a very wide experience. For those who are still interested in A hotel ends nowThey can put it – and some money – on a documentary coming on the last days of gravity.

The game historian and designer Carly Kokurk recently launched a Cake Starter to Amazing Halsion, It is considered to cover “ambitious release, amazing operation and overwhelming closure” Galactic Starcruiser. Directed by Carrie Kaplan, the documentary will include testimonies of artists, actors, the crew who worked on the experience, and the designated fans.

Disney put a lot of weight behind Galactic Starcruiser At that time, even go further Make it Star Wars Ecclesiastical And a major location for many events within the universe, including the beginning of the new republic and to the extent that Ben Solo is likely to be. (no, truly.) Ticket prices range from 4800 dollars for more than 6000 dollars He made it a difficult sale to anyone who is really not loyal and dedicated, and he died after 19 months. Despite her short life, Halsion The description referred to “the blatant contradiction between Starcruiser as a mockery and ridiculous failure and as a beloved society. This is an attempt to document and understand this tension.”

If this looks fun for you, then continue to donate properly hereTime to write this report, Amazing Halcon The campaign in 19121 dollars. The crew is cutting roughly to present cinematic festivals in the fall, and only needs help with “with this decisive last stage”.

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