by Robert Scotchi
| Published

Eric Cartuman has always had a complex relationship with women South Park There is a lot to empty it when looking at the hundreds of meetings he spent throughout the series. Although I can do an article in the cognitive dissonance that Cartuman is testing when he gets a retreat from the girls in his chapter while he has full control of her mother on the home front, I am here today to talk about something a little more …
Have you ever wondered why Cartman is always confused about female anatomy? Because the answer was sitting in front of us directly since my mother Cartuman was still in the second season, still dirty rude.
You cannot kick women there

In “The List” in season 11, boys discovered that the girls in their chapter have a list that classifies every boy from Ops to the cream. Eric Cartuman decides that women should not have this kind of strength on it, and in the typical South Park Fashion comes to steal the document from his female counterparts with the help of his friends.
In his infinite wisdom, Cartuman publishes a simple ambush plan to recover the list, and its entire strategy stops with the butter of Nelly in the balls. It is terrifying that this offensive procedure did not result in the results they were looking for, boys gather in Cartuman’s house, saying: “Well, our mission failed, but we learned a lot. In the first place, girls have no balls.”
On his face, Eric Cartuman’s misunderstanding of women’s anatomy in this South Park The episode can be attributed to the fact that it is 8 years old and does not simply understand that boys and girls have different layouts under the belt.
But this topic was visited all the time South Park‘s He ran, indicating that there is a deeper meaning when you think about the perspective of Cartuman thanks to the unique conditions surrounding its birth.
I still play the ball in season 20

When the South Park Boys’s continuous conflict with girls in his chapter reached his head in the “Men of the Twentieth Season”, Cartman’s crane by Peter again when he decided to take matters in his hands. An ambush, Cartmann himself fears, and withdraws the special parts of a woman on his face as a way to suggest that girls carried him and left their mark on him in their endeavor to hunt online constantly known as Skankhunt42. Boys soon loses interest in Cartman’s lie – a war of both sexes was supposed to start when Kyle notes that women do not have balls, which Cartuman included in drawing his face.
Eric Cartuman, which is completely sure that women, in fact, have balls, left more confused than ever, while Kyle and the rest of the gang are walking in their lives because he is fool.
The whole thing is a matter of perspective

When you think about the already of Eric Cartmann reserve South Park Despite his social tendencies, it is logical that the only woman who is likely to see naked by an event at that stage of his life is his mother Lyan. In the mind of Cartuman, since his mother is hermaphrodite, then every woman should be because this is all that he sees at all. Although Cartuman is an evil genius and a master’s degree in the highest arrangement in any other scenario, his limited knowledge of female anatomy has a great meaning because it is just a child, and interacts with the world based on the limited information that it displays, literally.

While there is an argument that must be presented about “201” for the 14th season and revealed that Cartuman is participating in Scott Tinurman, South Park The loose feeling of continuity in general allows you to think about this episode as illegal for several reasons.
Since Trey Parker and Matt Stone write every week a week, they could not know that they would present this development while it was then considered a more controversial link. Because of their depiction of the Prophet Muhammad in both “201”, and its previous episode, “200”, this epic consisting of two parts was withdrawn from participation and RunningThis means that the fans of the show rarely see these episodes unless they have DVD tablets. What is more, South Park I always faced a problem with continuity – such as Kenny’s death in each episode during the early seasons, just to kill indefinitely before re -introducing it to the series as if nothing happened.
In other words, for most South Park Eric Cartuman’s understanding of women and their anatomy is more consistent with the above theory that his mother He is The hermaphrodite, which is perverted for the most just sex because it simply does not know anything better.
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