The famous Saturn episodes will disappear from the show this week

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By [email protected]

Saturn will temporarily lose her distinctive outlook from our point of view on the ground, and she appeared as a pale yellow mobile without her rings that move the gas giant.

Billions Disappear From our point of view on Sunday, March 23, where the delicate edges of the planet’s rings aim to the Earth, and it seems that they disappear from view. The rare phenomenon occurs every 13 to 15 years, as the Earth passes through the Saturn episode plane. The last time the land got this rare view of the gas giant in 2009.

Saturn surrounds billions of comets, asteroids, and broken satellite fragments that caught the orbit of the planet. The wonderful ring system extends to 175,000 miles (282,000 km) from the planet, and it consists of small ice granules to large pieces like the house Nassa.

Like the Earth, the Saturn axis tends by 26.73 degrees. While it revolves around the sun, the tilt of Saturn is transformed on the ground, causing the disappearance of its episodes from our point of view as our planet crosses their plane. When Saturn tends towards Earth, we can see the upper side of its rings, and see the underside of the rings when the planet tends towards us. Between these two phases, however, when the rings fade from our point of view. Using a strong telescope, one can discover a very thin line wandering in the middle of Saturn.

The plane crossing will start at approximately 12:04 pm East time on Sunday, according to In Saturn’s episodes will not fully retreat from the ground for a few months, and we may not be able to see them again until November

Skywatchers in the mid -south latitudes will have the best opportunity to discover Saturn, if they can However, those in the mid -north latitudes will have difficulty seeing Saturn because the planet will be close to the sun at dawn and under the oblique morning eclipse.

Although it is not ideal for seeing the circumstances in the sky for most of them, the heavenly phenomenon is a rare glimpse of how the planets move around our common star.

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