The experimental drug can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease in some population: study

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By [email protected]

The experimental medicine has shown a promise to prevent Alzheimer’s disease for people at risk of developing the disease.

This is according to a new study from the University of Washington University in St. Louis, where the researchers conducted a clinical trial for people who have rare Gouty mutations This is nearly “guarantee” the development of Alzheimer’s disease in the future, according to a press statement.

The study included 73 people in the thirties, forties and fifties who suffer from a mutation, causing excessive amyloid production in the brain.

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The amyloid, the protein that accumulates in the brain and can interfere with the cognitive function, is one of the distinctive features of Alzheimer’s.

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The experimental medicine has shown a promise to prevent Alzheimer’s disease for people at risk of developing the disease. (Istock)

All participants had no cognitive decline (or very moderate), and they had a Family history of Alzheimer’s diseaseAnd she was within 15 years 10 years before her expected age from developing symptoms, and the statement mentioned.

For 22 participants who received a drug called GANTERUMAB for eight years, the risk of halves was reduced – from 100 % to 50 % – researchers mentioned.

“What we know is that it is at least possible to delay the appearance of symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and give people more years than a healthy life.”

Authors, authors, Randal J. Batman, PhD in Medicine, “Charles F.

The results were published in The Lancet Neurology on March 19.

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For 22 participants who received a drug called GANTERUMAB for eight years, the risk of halves was reduced – from 100 % to 50 % – researchers mentioned. (Istock)

Gantenerumab, a monochistic anti -aid body designed to target amyloid paintings in the brain and remove it in the brain, was in the development of Roche in Switzerland and the US belonging company.

Development was suspended in 2023, after Roche/Geninton Clinical experiments I found that the drug did not meet the “initial end point” to slow down the cognitive decrease in people with Alzheimer’s disease early, according to the statement.

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Batman said in the statement: “Everyone in this study was scheduled to take over Alzheimer’s disease and some of them have not yet.”

“We do not yet know the duration they will remain free of symptoms-perhaps a few years or perhaps contracts. In order to give them the best opportunity to stay with perception, we continued treatment with other amino antibodies in the hope that they would never develop symptoms at all,” continued.

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Hope is that if the late Alzheimer’s experiences have similar results, prevention methods may be ultimately available to the general population, according to researchers. (Istock)

“What we know is that it is at least possible to delay the appearance of symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and give people for other years Healthy life

Hope is that if the late Alzheimer’s experiences have similar results, prevention methods may be ultimately available to the public, according to Batman.

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“I am very optimistic now, because this may be the first clinical evidence of what will be the prevention of people at risk of Alzheimer’s disease,” he said. “One day, we may delay the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease for millions.”

Howard Philit, a doctorate in medicine, co-founder and chief science employee at the Drug Discovery Foundation in Alzheimer’s disease in New York, noted that the study shows for the first time that early treatment for disinfection of paintings before the appearance of symptoms can delay the appearance of Alzheimer’s-“similar to how to treat other chronic diseases.”


Although Gantenerumab is no longer under development, researchers evaluate other melastic drugs such as Remternetug, made by Eli Lilly-to determine whether they may prevent Alzheimer’s disease. (Istock)

“We have entered into a new era of Alzheimer’s research, where we can not just adjust the course of the disease, but where prevention is possible with Therapeutic interventionPhilit, who did not participate in the study, told Fox News Digital.

Possible restrictions and risks

Batman told Fox News Digital, there were several main restrictions on the search.

He said that the number of people is limited due to the scarcity of Alzheimer’s disease caused by mutations, the use of external controls, and the fact that the study started in fewer doses.

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“Many participants are still constantly normal, or near or past, even after more than eight years of treatment, and therefore the effects can be larger or smaller with continued treatment and follow -up,” Batman pointed out.

The researchers noticed this Anti -amydid drugs Like Gantenerumab, it turns out that causes amylaid imaging defects (ARIA).

Beta amyloid

The amyloid, the protein that accumulates in the brain and can interfere with the cognitive function, is one of the distinctive features of Alzheimer’s. (Istock)

These appear on brain tests as “small spots of blood in the brain or translator Brain swelling“The aforementioned publication.

Most of these side effects do not cause and solve symptoms without treatment, but in rare cases ARIA can cause serious medical problems or can be fatal.

This last study showed that 30 % of the participants witnessed Aria, most likely due to high doses of the drug.

Although two participants had to stop using Gantenerumab because of the severe ARIA, there were no “life -threatening and death” negative events, “the researchers pointed out.

“In general, the Gantenerumab’s safety profile was similar to those in the original experience and in other clinical trials of Gantenerumab,” they said.

More necessary research, experts agree

Dr. Chris Vicamin, the internal medicine doctor accredited by the Board of Directors who specializes in Aging and tilted care medicineHe said that although these initial results are “encouraging”, there is a need for further research on the effects of these drugs.

“There is a need for major random experiments, including the diverse population and individuals who suffer from late Alzheimer’s disease, to verify these early results and determine the full potential of these treatments,” said Vercammen, a medical director in Remo Health in California, for Fox News Digital. (He did not participate in the new study.)

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“It is important to note that the design of this study focuses on individuals at risk in the pre -clinical stage, and therefore does not provide sufficient data on the effect of these drugs on Alzheimer’s disease in the following stage.”

Philit added that this new research opens the door for more exploration to treat Alzheimer’s before the clinical.

Dimeitative brain examination

It has been shown that anti -Melid drugs such as GANTERUMAB causes amylid imaging deformities (ARIA), which appear on brain tests as “small spots of blood in the brain or swelling of translated in the brain.” (Istock)

“We look forward to seeing longitudinal data as well as more studies on this approach,” Fox News Digital told Fox News Digital.

“These efforts bring us closer to our final goal Prevented Before starting. “

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Although Gantenerumab is no longer under development, researchers evaluate other melastic drugs such as Remternetug, made by Eli Lilly-to determine whether they may prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

“These efforts bring us closer to our final goal of preventing the disease before it begins.”

“These rare families who have mutations may want to participate in continuous experiences,” Batman told Fox News Digital.

“The oldest population may be interested in knowing that there is Continuous experiences In people with amyloid plaques to test this approach to determine whether Alzheimer’s symptoms can be prevented.

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The study was primarily funded by Alzheimer’s Association, GHR and National Health Institutes (NIH).

Fox News Digital contacts with Roche/Genentech to comment.

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