Sarah Blackburn was one of many who jumped on the noise to get the full MRI of the body. Has the test as a popular preventive examination tool in recent years. Many healthy individuals are already wiping out in the hope that they will reassure that there is nothing outside the ordinary. But Blackburn had a completely opposite experience.
“I only had a complete magnetic resonance imaging for fun. There are not symptoms at all,” Blackburn says in Virus. Tiktok video About her experience earlier this year. “It is now scheduled to remove a member within two weeks.”
BlackBurn decided to take the full MRI of the $ 2,500 body in Houston-The company was rapidly growing throughout the United States after its launch in Vancouver in 2018. While the survey is not a substitute for a recommended routine examination like a fillh full of radiation full of shapes full of shape And photographed for pre -health photography, and photographer.Silent killers such as vascular expansion“According to the site. But for many, there is more data that must be stored away because often, there is nothing to work on, and this is the case with me when, as part of the story, as part of the story I underwent full MRI for the body last year.
“I was very excited to get my results. I don’t know what I thought we would find. Now, if we look back, I was very sure that this would give me peace of mind and that they will not find anything dangerous,” says Blackburn.
After the examination, people receive a report that defines each member of the body and any media or important results. “I was dealing with it like a spa day. I was very excited, taking pictures in the small scrub,” BlackBurn participates on Tiktok. “I felt a spa day, so he didn’t.”
Four days after examining it at about 8:30 pm, Blackburn was alerted that its results were ready. The screenshots of the results were published in her video.
“I went to a full panic,” she says. A mark was placed in the red letters under the category of the circulatory system, the phrase “important discovery”. She had a vascular expansion in the spleen artery, according to the report.
The description of the result indicated that although “the majority of the vascular stretching of the spleen artery is transverse results … If the vascular expansion of the spleen arteries is represented, there is one in three deaths.”
“It was really dark and arduous for two months, as I was wandering, terrifying and seeing a lot of doctors and physical treatment like glass because I had no idea about this,” Blackburn participated. “I literally felt that a time bomb was found inside my body.”
After months of deliberations, BlackBurn decided to remove the spleen, and tells the people It was, in fact, had a 2020 ultrasound lesion that she never learned about. “Read your x -ray reports,” Blackburn said the people. “I didn’t read it. I just thought,” well, I will tell everything that needs attention. “But, this was not the case.” CT scan was examined after the results of the two vessels of the vessels in their spleen artery.
While in some cases, full body scanning can reveal an important discovery, but it can cause unjustified concern about the things that are still in the normal range, Dr. Matthew Davbort, Professor William Martel in radiology, service service and vice president in the radiology department in Michigan Medicine, luck.
He told “Knowing what you learn”: “Knowledge is not always your interest if you do not have a clear path. luck. “You can learn something about yourself, but it can already increase your uncertainty.”
Often, people may download unnecessary rabbit holes and additional test.
But for BlackBurn, the examination caused her behavior – and, in fact, incredibly beneficial to her health. “I will start the journey of life without a spleen, and I think it will be fine. It will be better than having to live in the fear of tearing the vascular expansion,” she says in the video.
However, she says she has mixed feelings about recommending surveying to others, especially those who suffer from severe healthy anxiety.
“I feel grateful,” says Blackburn. “I am happy that I know that and I have the opportunity to determine what I wanted to do to go forward, but … for people with a healthy anxiety that I do not know if I can recommend it.”
This story was originally shown on Fortune.com
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