The best Star Trek: The Original Series is ignored

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by Dru diet
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“Topical balance” largely makes every “better Star Trek: The original series“List. It is widely considered a favorite loop of fans to present Romulins in the traditions of the Star Trek world and depicts the first wonderful central battle in the series.

However, the “balance of terrorism” is rarely motivated as the best episode of Star Trek: The original series. always High ranking It is given a lot of praise whenever it is mentioned. But most prominent publications and fans sites go with episodes such as “The City on the Edge of Forever” and “Mirror, Mirror”. These are indescribable classics and add vibrant pieces to the biggest world of Star Treke, but in the opinion of this author, they do not apparently match a simple story about closed spacecraft in the fighting.

It is time to announce the “balance of terrorism” the best episode of Star Trek: The original series. Here is why.

The real balance of terrorism

Terrorism balance missiles

“Total terrorism” takes its name from the term that described the sensitive truce between the United States and the Soviet Union during Nuclear arms race. This weak agreement was to ensure the survival of the planet, as the mutual guaranteed destruction caused by the nuclear war would irreversibly weaken the Earth.

Star Trek: The original series It was never shy of dealing with difficult and realistic issues through the metaphorical scenarios of science fiction, but “the balance of terrorism” can be said that the most contemporary link and close to the home at that stage. The tension and anxiety that was waving all of humanity during nuclear spread was part of daily life. The schools (it was Muslim in it No meaningful performance) Exercises where children had to move under their offices in the case of nuclear bombing. to Star Trek: The original series Treating this fear with this episode was not less than Balsi.

Today, this aspect of the “horror balance” is not strong because the threat of nuclear war has reduced popular awareness. However, it is important to have this decisive context when judging the episode as the best insertion in the original series. It is a story that should have been realistic for viewers in 1966. The fact that this small science fiction adventure will aspire to do something related to today’s concerns worth remembering and respecting.

The submarine war in space

Best Star Trek TOS episode

The “horror balance” is often compared to the 1957 movie Enemy belowA submarine movie on competitors during World War II. It is an appropriate relationship, but it does not make a countryside Star Trek: The original series I did with the story any less successful.

The “balance of terrorism” struggle focuses on the models of the Foundation’s models and the Romolian bird from the Pharisee-closed in a battle of account against each other. However, this is not some splendor of excitement as the drama comes from high -power fireworks and excessive power. It is a story in which every small battle decision can be a fatal mistake. It proves that you can photograph an exciting science fiction battle and not rely on a flashy scene to make viewers feel invested.

A large part of this investment is obtained by photographing two captains. The “Terrorism of Terrorism” places Kirk and the Romulalan commander, whose name has not been revealed correctly in the fighting. Romulalan will continue later to depict that they are very diplomat and collusion, but their photography here is more accurate and frequent. These are not the bad guys that cure the mustache. One of the huge factors in the episode is to clarify how two sides of the war are fought by more similar people than they differ.

And let us talk about the pictures because the “balance of terrorism” enhances some important pictures.

Kirk, Spock, and Bone

The Holy Trinity

When thinking about the best episode of Star Trek: The original series It should be highlighted on the primary trio of the foundation crew. It is not necessary to give them equal importance, but all of them should be in the strongest light. “Terrorism” does this easily, and it may be one of the best offers for Kirk in the entire series.

There is this pop cultural perception that Kirk has always been a rebellious, hot, and winding type, and this is not the case in Star Trek: The original series. Kerk is a great leader because he was always thinking about every option before doing what he believed to be the best course of work. The “balance of terrorism” shows the difficulty of this position by placing a great burden on Kirk’s shoulders: one wrong step that can incite the war of the galaxy. Early of the episode, Kerk tells the entire establishment crew that he is asked to do everything in his power to prevent this result, even if that means sacrificing the ship and their lives if this is what it takes.

Meanwhile, Spock is placed under intense checking from Stiles after it has been revealed that Romulalan is completely similar to the astronomy. He set a number of relatives in the earth’s war on the ground and carried a personal grudging against Romulinsp. Spock ends up taking some clear discrimination from Stels when Kirk cuts it quickly and tells him, “Leave any intolerance in your places. There is no room for him on the bridge.” By the end of the episode, Spock Stiles saves some death after the coolant seal begins to leak in the Phaser room.

Star Trek: The original series I dealt with the ideas of racism and prejudice several times while operating, but its inclusion in the “balance of terrorism” is meaningful because it is presented by the Starfleet officer. It indicates that intolerance was not eliminated in a magically in the ground. Stiles learns a lesson by the end, but the presence of Spocke is the central point of the racist personality that lights up that things are not perfect in the 23rd century. Watching Spock ignores Stiles and does his duty only what a great character Spock.

Best Star Trek: The Original Series Episode

Then, there are bones. Ever the peaceful, the bones are pleaded with Kirk to do everything in his power to avoid confrontation. A strong moment occurs when Bones stops and tells Kirk, “In this galaxy, there is a sporting possibility of three million Earth -type planets … and in all the universe, three million galaxies like this. In all of that, perhaps more, only one of each of us. Do not destroy the person called Kirk.” It is an appeal from a friend who stands as one of the most beautiful emotional moments of the bones in the chain.

All this plays in the cause of “balance of terrorism” is the best episode of Star Trek: The original seriesBut there is one factor already related to modern trips that made this episode improve with age.

What Nortrick should learn from the “balance of terrorism”

Now hunger

The “balance of terrorism” appears to be a kind of hypothesis that many Nutrek aspire to. He focuses on a space battle, expands property traditions with a new foreign race, and has a clear social comment on his minds. In addition, Nutrek was very determined to reach something that he should take seriously. Just now we see Nutrek begins to reduce a bit and allow some of the concession residue again.

However, the “balance of terrorism” proves that Star Trek can be completely dangerous and work very well. At the beginning of the episode, it is about to marry two young couple, but their concert has stopped by a red alert. By the end of the episode, one of them died and Kirk finished the episode that formally walking in the halls of the Foundation, considering sacrificing the life that should have been made in order to preserve peace. It is a sad end that looks like a kind of emotional heights that are striving for Nutrek, but Nutrek often lacks the mark because of its overwhelming optical load of movement effects.

The “Terrorism Balance” shows the value of the reserve in Star Trek. It is still an exciting watch of television with its fair share of space work, but it allows focusing on the characters and their drama instead of the scene. Yes, this is also due to budget restrictions and antiquities, but it is more about creators to ensure that the character and the story came first.

Best Star Trek: The Original Series Episode

All this means that the “balance of terrorism” is still carrying about sixty years later. It shows the best that Star Trek can be even when it is a small, self -sufficient story. Acting is some of the best in the original chain, and the science fiction elements are exceptionally well mixed with a metaphorical stories. When the Romollan Kirk captain sends him to tell him that they could have been friends in another fact, he never loses any of his effectiveness.

There is a lot of good TOS Episodes and a handful of Explicit greatBut the “balance of terrorism” proved to be the best Star Trek: The original series An episode of all of them.

Terrorism balance

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