The best and worst SAG 2025 Awards

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By [email protected]

Hollywood’s largest actors are not slowing as another prize season swings towards the finish line.

On Sunday, February 23, stars of films and television met in the Merrine Auditorium and Expo Hall in Los Angeles to enjoy 2025 Cases Awards.

after The red carpet But before Any prize It was distributed during Netflix, the host Christine Bell I confess Latest forest fires Which affected many Los Angeles province.

“This city and the people in it have been placed through Wringer. She said before it indicates several tables full of firefighters in Los Angeles.” Words will not do so. Invitations to these events will not do that, and as a glimpse of the people who have been diagnosed, I really need to know what to do so because lack of knowledge is very difficult for me. “

Arrival Red Carpet 31st Screen Actors Guild Awards 2025 SAG

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When the 2025 SAG carpet was released, there was no shortage of moments of the scene stealing from the beginning. The thirty -day annual actor union awards were broadcast live via Netflix on Sunday, February 23, and Kristen Bell hosted the ceremony. Some of the first stars were worn to reach the nine, including (…)

What Bell knew is that he had to help manage an offer full of admission letters that to be seen and some sudden victories. Keep reading to see the best and worst moments of 2025 SAG Awards:

Best opening moment: Jean Smart

Although Bill found a creative way to get a file Frozen A song stuck in our heads again thanks Farid delivery From “Do you want to build a snowman”, it was a Smart opening drawing that got great laughs from viewers at home.

While directing Deborah Vans from EquippersSMART learned that she was expelled from hosting the SAG 2025 Awards because she had not paid her dues for years. At the end of the sector, it was offered to take the “article” before Bell controlled as a host.

The best and most unpredictable acceptance speech: Kiran Kulkin

The best and worst SAG 2025 Awards
Matt Winnaklire/Getty Earth

After receiving the distinguished performance award by a representative mentioned in a supporting role for his performance in Real painColin I took a comic shot in Brutal star Adrian Brody In his wide speech.

“I don’t think there is any method that anyone can keep for 45 seconds. It is the designated time, Adrian Brody, 45 seconds,” Culkin said before admitting that there is no need to join. “There was no reason to pick up this shot. I love you, it is a joke. You take your time. The Lord knows that I will do because I did not think of anything.”

Selena Gomez accepts the best comedy band at the 2025 SAG Awards

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With the end of the prize season approaching, the most Hollywood stars celebrated each other at the 2025 Screen Syndicate Awards. Christine Bell returned as a host for the second time since 2018. Before the ceremony on Sunday, February 23, Bell opened about whether her approach had changed from the first Hosting experience. Extracting. (…)

Best surprise: legitimate surprises

As the award season approaches, some may think they know who will win on many cup operations in advance. However, SAG-Aftra voters reminded the fans to expect what is unexpected.

Anonymous Timothy Chalitet and Martin Short Winning the distinguished performance by a male actor in film and television roles, respectively, was a conspiracy that some fans have not seen. Keep your luck in shorts when Only murders in the building He won the distinguished performance by a group in the Comedy series. “We never win,” Selena Gomez She participated during her speech. “This is strange.”

And with the Oscars 2025 Awards only one week, GoodThe shocking victory over the distinguished performance by a team in an animated image may be the support they need.

Better for reunification: All of them!

The best and worst SAG 2025 Awards

The good place Stars Ted Danson and William Jackson Harper Greetings to the exciting tennis movie Competitors When they participated in their own love triangle while competing for the attention of his former colleague Bell.

“This is not a challenge,” Bill announced before Dennyson and the former Jackson Harper worsened before they outperformed a fake kiss.

the It continued to include coming Throughout the night as members of the team New girland gossip girland X-Files They found themselves in the same room at the same time.

The best unexpected greeting: “law and order”

The best and worst SAG 2025 Awards
Peter Kramer/NBC

while Marcica HargitaiThe drama series has not long been nominated for a prize, the SAG Awards could only recognize a number of major stars that have had the opportunity to get the roles of a guest star early. Law and order and Famous Spinoffs.

“In the television industry, the detective’s offers are especially popular,” Hargitai said in a tight clip. “in Law and order The universe, these arduous actors who bring these stories to life are members of the elite band known as the stars of the guests. “

Old footage of that time Bradley Cooperand Viola Davisand Sarah Bolsonand Kerry Washingtonand Sabrina Najjar Other stars started playing with clips of their small but unforgettable roles.


We are the first to admit that there is no perfect actor. But since the actors are one of the best candidates for the best pictures they presented an excerpt from their movie, which is very appreciated for this year, we have asked whether they had any time to train?

It also throws from Anonymous Chalmet celebrated their film, it was not sure what to read and when it started. “We should have done a rehearsal.”

Compared to the staff AOR It cannot help but laugh with the majority of their speech. Nothing can happen when the display is direct.

The worst conflict: Heavy Awards

Based on many reactions from the award -winning actors, the SAG Cup is not the lightest award that you hold in the night of the celebration. According to Kulkin, his prize was “incredible heavy” and after later joined that “heavier than all awards was the prizes presented by the actors.”

For the record: The cup is said to be 16 inches long and weighs 12 lbs.

The worst technical difficulties: Jin Fonda

The best and worst SAG 2025 Awards
Matt Winnaklire/Getty Earth

After receiving Life Achievement AwardFonda threw one of her distinctive speeches by seizing the microphone and acknowledging the viewers to have sympathy and truth in a changing world.

At one point in her speech, viewers could hear a dive from the microphone. In a separate moment, sound sounds began to play. Fortunately, Fonda took a step by responding, “I can evoke votes!”

The worst operator: Jimmy Lee Cortis Kovid -19 confession

The best and worst SAG 2025 Awards
Matt Winnaklire/Getty Earth

Only when we thought we had recovered from the Koronavirus virus in, Curtis presented a shout for the actress who fell ill in a previous prize show. Beyond it was a reminder of a season full of masks, social and zoom.

The actor goes to … the man who Kofid gave me In Golden Globe. Colin Farrell

Farrell replied, “Humilized as accused. However, but Brendan Glyon And – Ang gave it to me! So I was just spreading love. “

The worst absence: many winners

We know that the actor schedule is very busy, but there were many awards that were distributed as the main stars were not present to accept them. Although she won a great performance by an actor in the comedy series thanks to her role in EquippersSmart was not in the audience because she was depicting another project.

In addition, when Only murders in the building He won the outstanding performance by a band in the Short Comedy Series and Steve Martin He was not present.

“Marti and Steve are not here because they really don’t care, but I don’t know what to say,” Gomez said in her speech. “Thank you Marti and Steve for helping my upbringing.”

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