The best 4 sudden health benefits for honey

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By [email protected]

Honey is a sweet and thick material made of honey bees. It is not used only as a natural sweetener, but also has a long history of benefits. to PodsPeople used honey for several medical purposes in Ayurveda.

Bees Make honey By drinking nectar from flowers and returning it to the cell for treatment. The other bees eat nectar in the cell, and mix it with an enzyme partially calm the nectar to honey. The flavor of honey depends on flowers – wildflowers, avocado or orange flowers – visited.

Here is what you need to know about honey, and how it can suit your diet and benefits.

Honey against sugar

Sugar spoons, honey and sugar alternatives Benefits of honey

Honey is normal, but it is not a low calorie alternative to sugar. It resembles regular sugar from a nutritional point of view:

1 tablespoon of honey It includes:

  • 61 calories
  • 16 grams of sugar

1 tablespoon of sugar It includes:

  • 48 calories
  • 12 grams of sugar

If you like honey, you can use it instead of sugar because it contains more useful nutrients (more on that below). But if you want a substitute for sugar with a lower nutritional effect, you can try abnormal sweeteners, like Extracting Stevia or Monk fruitIt contains zero calories and zero sugar.

Benefits of honey

Honey contains sugar and water in the first place. But unlike regular sugar, it is said that it contains About 200 articlesIncluding:

These materials are the reason that honey comes with some additional benefits.

1. It contains antioxidants

Natural honey contains Antioxidant -like compounds like Flavonoids and phenolic acids. Antioxidants It can help protect cells from damaging free radicals.

Judicial alert: You should get most of your antioxidants of fruits and vegetables. However, if your current diet is high in sweeteners, the shift to honey may help Add to your antioxidants.

2. The immune system may support

A handful of small animal studies and cell culture studies I found that honey can help support immune cell activity. In short, honey is not guaranteed to increase immunity, but it is promising. We still need to see more evidence.

3. It may support digestion

Honey has been used a long time in Ayurveda medicine To help support the digestive system. But modern evidence is incomplete. If you think you suffer from a digestive condition, talk to your doctor.

4. The throat can calm inflammation

It is widely known that a tablespoon of honey Helps reduce sore throat. Try adding honey to hot tea with lemon pressure – not only is comfortable and comfortable, but honey also folds your throat Setting irritation.

Possible honey risk

A bowl of honey held by the woman Benefits of honey

Ordinary honey is generally safe for people over a year old. Microbes cannot grow in honey, but honey can contain Botulinum germs That germinates once eating. The infant immune system is still developing and may not be prepared for the infection motivation. People who are allergic or sensitive to bee pollen should also be careful.

You may also wonder, “Is it safe to eat raw honey?” Perhaps, but it may still have a botulinum bacterium (such as regular honey), so do not feed them for the young baby. Those who suffer from specific sensitivity should be ready because raw honey will contain small amounts of yeast, wax and pollen.

Raw honey is not nominated or heated, and the possible health benefit of raw honey is that it may maintain more valuable materials that we discussed above.

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