The Bank of England maintains 4.5 %

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The Bank of England kept interest rates on 4.5 percent, leaving the door open for more cuts this year as it wrestles with both global trade tensions and continuous price pressures in the United Kingdom.

The Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee voted eight to one to leave its standard price unchanged because it repeated plans to follow up on a “gradual and accurate” approach for more discounts.

Swati Dengra, an external member of MPC and Dove for a long time, to reduce quarterly rates.

“There is a lot of economic uncertainty at the present time,” said Andrew Billy, the governor of the Bank of England. He added that although the bank kept 4.5 percent, “we still believe that interest rates on a path gradually hang.”

The Bank of England faces a sensitive budget law in the coming months as it evaluates evidence of the flat economy and weakens the job market against the possibilities of receiving in inflation.

Follow the decision on Thursday a quarter of a point last month, when Bi It also turned to half its growth estimates for 2025 to 0.75 percent.

“We will closely look at how global and local economies have evolved in every meeting of our six prices,” Billy said. “Whatever happens, it is our duty to make sure that inflation remains low and stable.”

The bank believes that consumer prices are accelerated to 3.75 percent later this year, compared to 3 percent in January – much higher than its 2 percent target.

However, a survey from the Agents Network at the Bank of England showed on Thursday showed more companies that are freezing in employment, and may prepare to reduce jobs if the UK growth fails to capture them.

“The Bank of England is stuck between a rock and a difficult place with inflationary pressures rising along with weak growth expectations,” said Zara Nox, Global Market Analyst at JPMorgan Asset Management.

Uneperear signs double the high economic damage of the trade war, Donald Trump, and the prospects for the spring statement next week from Chancellor Rachel Reeves.

The probability of reducing the interest rate may decrease in a little less than 50 percent, from about 60 percent earlier in the day, according to the levels involved in the bombing markets. Traders continued to expect discounts in general by the end of the year.

Sensitive doctrine revenue for two years increased to 4.18 percent, from a decrease in 4.15 percent earlier in the day.

The pound infiltrated the highest after the decision to $ 1.298, which reduced its decrease per day to 0.2 percent.

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