The 10 best foods that have delicate plastic and how to avoid them

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A recent study Find The value of a plastic spoon of small plastic fragments in human brain tissue. Some researchers estimate that people consume between 39,000 and 52,000 accurate colored molecules every year. If we add the amount we take when breathing, this number reaches 74,000 to 121000.

Macheeing plastic is not something we can overcome. They are in our water and clothes Our kitchens. Experts also found them in the foods we eat. Well, this seems bad, however how bad?

There is no “safe”, “safe” or “unsafe” level of precise inputs. It makes sense to want to be as low as possible. MerkulaThe orthopedic doctor in the family medicine approved by the Board of Directors said in an email.

Methlopic plastic can enter our food due to the pollution that the food has taken, raised or processed. Merkola explained that the use of plastic accent and plastic seeds in agriculture, and irrigation with contaminated water, among the different methods that can end in food. Plastic packaging, utensils and containers are additional sources.

According to the American Food and Drug Administration, the current Evidence does not indicate The exact levels of plastic in the food pose a danger to us. However, reducing the exact amount of plastic that you absorb is not a bad idea. These are the most common foods that contain microblasts, and there are some measures that you can adopt to reduce their plastic intake.

The 10 best foods in your diet that contains fine plastic


One of the most important ways that plastic particles end in our food is through plastic materials with a single use that collapses and finds their way to waterways and soil. When they reach the oceans, they end up in seafood.

“After that, fine plastic is eaten by planks and is mistaken in food by fish and selfishness.” “The small molecules accumulate in the body … then end up on our paintings.”

A recent study published by Portland State University discovered a variety of fine plastic 180 out of 182 seafood that have been tested Samples. Microbial fibers are the most common types of fine plastic, but this is not the only type that ends in our oceans.

A person carries a mug of tea with a tea bag in it

Kinga Krzminska/Getty Images

Tea bags

Plastic called polypropylene is often used Make tea bagsEven if you choose paper tea bags, there can still be microblasts in them. The problem is that when bags are connected to hot water, accurate plastic may be released into tea.

Researchers at Barcelona Independent University have discovered that polypropylene tea can release plastic The particles in billions Nylon and cellulose bags can launch millions.

How to avoid this: You don’t have to stop drinking tea. Switching to loose tea and investing in a Stainless Steel Distributor To enjoy delicate plastic tea.


Rice is also a hot point for Microplastics. A study at the University of Queensland found that for every half a cup of rice, there is there 3 to 4 milligrams of plastic. If you use instant rice packages, this number will be four times higher, at 13 milligrams.

How to avoid this: The study found this Washing rice It can reduce plastic pollution by 20 % to 40 %, although it is worth noting that the study used the filtered water for rinsing.

Salt and sugar

When you outperform dinner with salt spray, you get an unintended side of accurate plastic. It is difficult to cross salt. It is almost everything we eat, and our bodies need a certain amount of sodium to maintain the balance of our fluids and the electrolyte.

Unfortunately, I found one study that 90 % of the 39 -year -old salt brands Throughout the world it contains Microplastics. This is probably caused by environmental pollution and the production and packaging process, which includes plastic. Also, strict plastics I found in sugar.

How to avoid this: To lower exposure to flour plastic in salt and sugar, you can purchase it packed with glass or cardboard.

The person who carries an empty plastic water bitch.

Yulia Cocosha/Getty Pictures

Bottled water

The bottled water is one of the most well -known sources of flour tiles and nanoparticles. One study was estimated that there is about 240,000 plastic particles In a liter of bottled water. Most of the plastic water bottles that you buy in the store are made of polyethylene terovie, or a pet, plastic, so it was not surprising that it was seen as an actress. Plastic molecules collapse when bottles are pressed or exposed to heat. And pet plastic is not the only type of nanopolitan researchers I found In plastic water bottles.

How to avoid this: Drinking tap water can reduce a stainless steel container or glass from the risk of eating plastic molecules.


You may not expect your own honey To provide accurate plastic, but it does, even if it is in a glass jar. Microscopic plastic fibers can be tracked to bees and pollution. Then one of the studies that explores was merged whether the microblasts that were eaten or tolerated by honey bees have been combined into bees cells that bees can continue Detailed plastic dispersion Through honey.

How to avoid this: The purchase of honey from local beekeepers who often use more natural and sustainable harvesting methods may reduce the risk of flour pollution.

Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are an essential part of a balanced diet. Unfortunately, it can also contain delicate plastic. One study was taken from it Fruits and vegetables I found it Apples were more Fruits and polluted arelands were the most polluted vegetables. How does this happen?

“It has been proven that the plants absorb the nanopolita from the soil through their root systems, thus contamination of edible parts.”

Many grocery stores also pack fruits and vegetables in plastic to keep them fresh. According to FDA, not there Enough evidence To determine that the exact plastic of the plastic food package migrates to food. But Merkola suggests that you avoid this as much as you can.

How to avoid this: Wash your fruit well, peel when possible, choose local or organic products.

The person who carries peaches in a plastic container in the grocery store.

Animaflora/Getty Images


A recent study of researchers in the ocean governorate found this 88 % of vegetable and animal proteins It contains a strict plastic level. But very manufactured proteins, such as vegetable alternatives, fish sticks or chicken nuggets, shelter most of the fine plastic, which indicates partial plastic pollution partially Food treatment. The study found that the baked shrimp was on average 300 pieces of fine plastic for each meal. The plants of plants were 100 pieces per meal.

Food processing is not the only way you can enter into these protein sources. MicroPlastics in Animal feed And in the environments in which animals are raised. Plant alternatives can be contaminated through soil or irrigation.

How to avoid this: After reading it, you may wonder about the protein you should eat. The fact is that more research is needed to know the exact levels and its impact on our health. Our bodies need protein to work, so it is important to get enough, regardless of the source you choose.

Read more: A visual guide for an easy protein to help you reach the maximum muscle gains

What does the exact food in the food mean?

So, do all foods contain delicate plastic? I can definitely say. However, I can tell you that further search is needed to understand how foods affect us with careful plastic. However, although long -term health effects are still under investigation, accurate plastic is to pay attention to and be careful if you can, as Mercola explained.

“The exact plastic that was taken in the circulatory system and the various organs, including the brain, were found, as it can cause inflammation and damage to the tissues,” said Merkola.

Other possible side effects are hormonal imbalances resulting from Chemical materials endocrine drug It was found in plastic. It can be fine plastic as well Other absorption Environmental toxins and serve them in the body.

There is no stable, stable level of fine plastic, and we cannot completely outperform them: they are everywhere and in everything. But it is good to reduce exposure as you can.

Expert advice to reduce their accusative plastic

You can reduce this advice by following this advice:

Be careful how much oyster you eat
The oysters such as mussels, shellfish and calamoops contain higher levels of delicate plastic, so do not overcome them.

Avoid food storage containers made of plastic
This is one of the largest Mercola suggestions, due to “colored chemicals” in plastic. BPA and PHTHALATES are chemicals that disrupt the endocrine glands that can be transmitted from plastic to food. It is a fat soluble, so it happens easily with fatty foods. It is better to store foods with fats in glass containers. You can store dry foods with plastic if you need it.

Avoid foods coated with plastic
This can be easier than doing, but it is something that he seeks in areas where you can make a switch.

Get rid of plastic kitchen utensils
One of the spoons that we use to move our sauces on the cutting panels that we use to cut vegetables, if it is plastic, you are eating fine plastic. There is a good base: any plastic that comes into contact with your food that must be replaced by ceramics, glass, stainless steel or wood.

To help treat the general number of flour plastic in food, you can install a filter in your clothing machine. If you can tolerate it, a special candidate will hunt the fine fibers before the water systems are contaminated. the Planetcare 2.0 Microscopic fiber candidate It starts from $ 125.

We still have a lot to get to know it about the strict plastic and its long -term effects on our health when eating it. It may be difficult to hear that they are in many of our foods, but this should not deter you from eating well. A A balanced diet From protein, fruits and vegetables you will ensure that your body has enough fuel Job and flourish – Deficient plastic or not.

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