Lebanese and Syrian armies say they are communicating to reduce border tensions in fermentation.
Fighting erupted along the border between Lebanon And Syria.
Violence came overnight to the two after skirmishes were killed at the end of the week, which witnessed the killing of three Syrian soldiers. Damascus blamed the Lebanese Armed Community Hezbollah in the clashes, and it is said that military officials from the two countries are in contact with an attempt to avoid the risk of expanding violence.
The Syrian government media, citing an unworthy officials, said that the Syrian army had cracking “Hezbollah’s gatherings that killed the Syrian soldiers” along the border overnight.
In a statement to the official National News Agency, the National Army Command confirmed Lebanon on Monday and said it had sent reinforcements to “control the security situation.”
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK -based war screen, said in unconfirmed reports that Lebanese armed groups were involved in the fighting.
The Lebanese army said that large numbers of Lebanese forces had been deployed in the region.
The Lebanese media reported a low -level fighting at dawn after an attack on a Syrian military vehicle.
Four of the Syrian army journalists were slightly injured early on Monday after an artillery shell from the Lebanese side of the border hit its location. They accused Hezbollah of launching the attack
The Lebanese groups involved in the fighting were not confirmed.
The Syrian interim government accused Hezbollah crossing it to Syria on Saturday, kidnapping three soldiers and killing them on Lebanese soil.
Violence has recently increased in the area between the Syrian army and the armed Lebanese clans allied with the regime of President Bashar al -Assad.
Last week, spasm from violence There was a great death between loyalists, loyalists and civilians from the Al -Alawi community inside Syria.
Lebanese media reports say that the clans also participated in the kidnapping.
Lebanese and Syrian armies said they communicate with each other to reduce border tensions. The Lebanese army said it had handed over the bodies of the three soldiers to Syria.
There were no immediate reports on additional losses on Monday. However, reports indicate that the clashes overnight and bombing have sent civilians in the border areas to flee to Hermel in Syria.
The border extends Lebanon, Syria, 375 km (233 miles) and is characterized by a rugged terrain without clear demarcation in many regions.
Hezbollah He denied any involvement in the kidnapping and killing of Syrian soldiers.
Senior lawmakers accused Hezbollah Haji Hassan, in an interview with television in Lebanon, fighters from the Syrian side from crossing to Lebanese territory and attacking the villages of the border.
Lebanon seeks to obtain international support to enhance funding for its army, as it gradually deploying forces along its northern and eastern borders that are easy to penetrate with Syria and along its southern borders with Israel.
Meanwhile, the Israeli army said on Monday that it had carried out an air attack in southern Lebanon, and targeted Hezbollah fighters.
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