by Jonathan Clots
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Once again in the 1990s, you could not resort to Saturday morning channel without colliding with the animation that, when describing it today, looks like you are describing a bad journey. Mirr -motorcycle mice from Marsand Sharksand Swat Katzand Samurai catsThey all have concepts that seem crazy, but nothing is strange Young western cows from Mo Maysa Which depends entirely on the Torah of the cowboy who are actual cows. It is a flimsy hypothesis of the series, although it is full of beams to the tail with the pun, but it continued in one way or another for two seasons and 26 episodes that you cannot find anywhere today.
West symbol

Moo Mesa’s trilogy sponsors led by Marshal Mo Montana, and the elegant muscles (expressed by Jim Kamings, known as Winnie The Poh), and the child of Kaulado, the group’s man in the group, and hit all the three models that show each show about “Apinsal” ( My brother and brother and me Podcast) is obligated under the law to include. In addition to the strangeness of the series, the stereoscopic cows ride horses that can inspire a level of discussion “Why Pluto and his father is very different” if you and your friends feel bored. The trio opposition is a circular list of bad guys, led by Sharif Sharif, corrupt terrorism (which was expressed by Joe Pescobo, in a role that kept on his page Wikipedia in a strange way), and his evil test, the convincing bull.
Even if you don’t see the series before, you can already guess each episode Young cows from Mo Maysa If you had even seen a caricature on Saturday morning. Not every episode, though, where there is one of the evil cases Boot Hill Buzzard is a secret as a teacher to recruit children to commit crimes, or the amazing loop with mules, hala, and giant robotic cow sponsors that are a 22 -minute love message Wild. There is nothing accurate about any of the characters or stories, and most episodes are self -standing, but this is exactly what the animation should have on Saturday morning.
Disintered in front of the fog of time

Today, if you can find a way to watch any episodes Young western cows from Mo Maysa, You will be able to choose some recognition Science fiction Stars, including Mark Hamiel as the leader of a wolves gang, Kate Molgro (years before Star Trek: TravelAs Barb Wire Babs, and Tim Curry as an artist Con Jacques le Beef. Animation series, like many of its contemporaries, was concluded in a chaos of rights between the different companies that are manufactured Running A nightmare, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The revival, surprisingly, in business thanks to Nacelle, the same nostalgia production company that works on the past Mirr -motorcycle mice from MarsAnd although anything has not yet appeared, the purchase process did not happen until 2023, so there is time for the return of Coworado.
Young western cows from Mo Maysa It is one of the most strange examples of Science fiction and western zishAnd there are many adults who believe that the cartoon was a dream of fever they suffered as a child, but it is a fun “Abnimals” series that you know is intended for children. The pun is worthy, and each one episode is stuffed with it; Although plots are simple and formula, there is a reason they always work. It is a shame that it does not flow today until another generation and frightening of the ridiculous hypothesis.
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