Everything is declining VanderPOMP Villa When stars The secret life of the wives of the Mormon Access to Château Rosabelle – At least, according to a guest colleague Stassi Schroeder.
“It was fun,” Tell Stassi, 36, exclusively US weekly On Friday, March 21, during the Clarins event icons at the Los Angeles Academy Museum of the Academy. “What you see in the trailer (is) is not dramatic than nothing. … I saw all the rings. It is decreased.”
Setassi, former VanderPump rules Sur-ver, ice Appointment to reunification with Lisa Vandabb During the second season of Holo VanderPOMP Villa. Her arrival in a trailer released on Thursday 20 March. In other places of shots, Mormon wives Momtokkers – gospel and Michaella Matthews – It was also dropped by the luxurious French castle.
At one point, Demi, 31 years old, married to the husband Ingemannuntil It seems to be flirting with VanderPOMP Villa Employee Brunette Marceiano.
“There is still a lot of shift. It was up and down, up and down,” Demi Lamsiano said in the clip.
Stase, at the same time, confirms we She “did not know any of it” when she was photographing documents.

Stassi Schroider attends the Claarins Icon at the Oscars of Transportation Museum on March 21, 2025 in Los Angeles, California.
Amy Susman/Getty Emp“They didn’t tell me this thing, but I was watching (episode) again, like,” Marciano and Demi is just creeping. ” “This is real.”
“It was a news for me. I saw all the scenes and I could not believe it. So it is clear that you will have to control and see as I did. I can’t.”
While Stasy played a role in the flirting with Demi and Marsiano, 31, she was the most close about the interactions she made with the rest. Momtok effects.
“When I was stuck with ( Mormon wives The actor), was very enjoyable. It is very enjoyable – they are and lid “, Stasy’s harassment, describing them as” very nice “before adding,” Most of them (they). So, it is like, “oh! People are sober (not) that fun,” but they are. “
In addition to the Stassi Whirlwind photography experience VanderPOMP VillaShe was in a grateful life season.
“I have two children. I have a great pair. I have to go and photograph in the Italian castle in the twelfth century (and) I would like to enjoy now,” said Stasy. weIn reference to husband Clark is beautiful The children Hartford and the facilitator. “I’m good now.”
VanderPOMP Villa He returns to Holo on Thursday, April 24.
With reports by Mariel Turner
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