by Chris Senelgov
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One of the strangest takes this sometimes online is that Star Trek should not be political, as haters claim that offers are like discovery Focusing on a strong black woman is a type of main deviation from franchise standards. In fact, Star Trek was political from the beginning, and even stars often read ties with events in the real world in the other stories he is conducting. Example: to Spees the ninth area “Dramatis Personae” episode, Watch Cark’s representative Armen Shimmerman that Los Angeles riots are reflected in tension between Cisco and Keira.
Armen Shimmerman and Baguranns

To return to the speed, “Dramatis Personae” is an episode in which the DS9 residents fall under the synthetic effect of the celestial bodies of a foreign race that has been clarified long ago. They passed away due to a struggle for power, and nature led to the risk of heavenly bodies, among other things, a similar struggle for power between Cisco and Keira. I made for some wonderful TV, and in the eyes Armen ShimmermanUse the Kira Bajuran race to explore sensitive topics for Los Angeles riots.
The actor said that he “loved this episode” and “that revolution broke out” symbolically through “the conflict between Cisco and Keira, a citizen who only thinks about her world first.” According to Amin Shimmerman, such nationalism was offered regularly in Los Angeles at the time: “We had riots because the neighborhoods felt that they did not get a fair share of Los Angeles’s wealth, and there are the Bagour who are fighting because of this that they did not get a fair share of what They think they deserve it. ” Here, not only indicates Keira’s personal struggle but the Bagour who suffer from reconstruction after their zebra.
Especially in the first days of Spees the ninth areaWe see how Bajor was discovered between a rock and a difficult place. Starfleet in orbit to help the planet rebuild, but SISKO does not always do things the way Kira or other Bajorans prefer. In a “dramatic figure”, for example, the conflict begins when Keira wants to hold a ship suspected of smuggling weapons to Cardens and Yesko, who rejects both legitimacy and principle, to hold a ship without evidence.

Interestingly, Armin Shimmerman sees this conflict between Starvlit and Baguran as a symbol of conflict between local law enforcement and riots. These are rioters, such as Keira, put their world – or at least, their people and their lives – all other concerns, including laws and law enforcement who may have strangled them. “This tension is” very essential to the life we live in Los Angeles, so when it is represented on television, I feel it. “
It seems that Shimmerman had the same emotional penetration that many of us experience when watching a good episode of Star Trek. The written loop can be well completely therapeutic, which helps us achieve an insightful look at our fellow man who we thought was impossible. Perhaps those emotional breakthroughs are the reason Star Trek: Motion Image Such a bold slogan was: “Human adventure has just started.”
While we always like to hear the visions of the great actors at Star Trek, the link of Armen Shimmerman from the Pagora nationalists and riots in Los Angeles is really great (like Spook It might say). Certainly, many considered the people of Keira the metaphors for others in the real world, including the Palestinians. The DS9 actor may be one of the only ones that bind them Foreigners Through his neighbors in Los Angeles riots, it is proven once and for all that there is always something new he learns from episodes of the best journey ever.
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