Spotify says it reduces the number of explicit porn accounts on her video platform after they continued to climb to the top of the summaries. The company denies that the new Creator Landing Program gave any money to these supposed pornographic accounts, which means that your best choice for paid paid ports is still only.
If you find any strange porn pictures that appear in the search operations in Spotify, then you are not alone. Bloomberg I mentioned that the search for podcast on administrative advice also pulled the PodCasting Porn account. The relevant programming included a picture of the Ghostage of the Scream Franchise as a cover. Some pornographic accounts were making waves at the top 15 shows of innocent categories, such as TV and the film, according to Bloomberg.
In a statement, a Spotify Gizmodo spokesman told “as part of our basic system rules, we do not allow sexually explicit materials on our platform,” adding that the violating materials have been removed. Bloomberg suggested that some of these pornographic accounts may have been seduced by the platform through the green scene, not only the Spotify logo. The statute of the video liquefaction plan for PodCASters has been promoted and Music video Creators. Video makers who subscribed to Spotify partner program Money earning it can be approved through an arrow in advertising revenues, podcast subscriptions, and from payments based on the number of people who saw their content.
A Spotify Gizmodo spokesman told a spotify spokes that none of the supposed pornographic accounts be members of Spotify Partner and had not made any money through ads. Those who want to join the partners program must meet a threshold of 10,000 hours broadcast on Spotify in 30 days and should be broadcast by 2000 unique Spotify at that time. The company said that none of these accounts has achieved that threshold.
“Even if it is approved and sexually explicit content is loaded, we watch it and we can download it immediately,” said a spokesman.
Porn has appeared in search operations for users before. Both in 2024 and earlier this year, some users published NSFW Examples on I responded. This appeared before the start of the partner program. Spotify claimed that she removed the accounts that violated Safety and privacy Rules against “sexual explicit content”.
We have conducted our own search on Spotify, and we found some accounts that provide Dulcet tones from “Planjob Audio Porn”. We can easily find explicit mini -mini videos that indicate porn, but only when actually searching for them. There were no examples of this when passing through the top 15 tracks of the main topics ranging from “television” to “video games”.
It is always difficult to moderate the content, and Spotify is not alone in a battle to maintain the pornography of its platform. Those who look forward to showing porn and found themselves bound Tikhak or YouTube You may simply follow the money. Overcrowding In height. Some creators are supposed to achieve $ 10,000 or more in monthly revenues in the few months that have passed since the launch of the programs.
But if you have really put sex, then why do you go avoiding avoiding control of Spotify? We admire the crowds, but perhaps we can maintain Spotify as a place for more family -friendly topics, such as Joe Rogan Regular misinfo-a-ithons. Besides Spotify is busy dealing with other scandals, such as the alleged human trader Andrew Tate Podcast around “Pimping Hoes”. The platform recently removed Bodcast Tate after the administration of President Donald Trump The self -described hate For the United States, his help to avoid prosecution in Romania.
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