Every day, thousands of demonstrators gather near South Korea, whose walls have strengthened with shaving wires like His eight judges Prepare a ruling that could form the future of the country’s democracy. Many shout before the court to remove Yoon Sok Yol, the country’s president, accusing him of “rebellion”. Nearby, chanting a group of competition for his return, describing its evenings by Parliament “fraudulent”.
Unprecedented in South Korea before the court’s ruling, as they do now, while the country is eagerly awaiting before its constitutional court to decide whether Mr. Yun will be removed or returned. The court’s decision can help put an end to the months of the political turmoil launched by Mr. Yun on December 3, with his failed attempt to place his country under the martial law.
Or it can push the country to a deeper political crisis.
The southern Koreans have become exhausted from the lengthy political uncertainty and want the court to decide soon. But she kept them on the brink of the abyss for weeks, and he did not give any hint when her judges likely submitted the most subordinate judgment to their professions.
The police are preparing for the worst, regardless of how to make a decision. Schools and sellers will be closed in the streets and the former royal palace in the constitutional court neighborhood on the day of the ruling. The police called for the removal of rocks, empty bottles, and garbage boxes – anything that could be a weapon – from the streets. About 14,000 police officers are ready to publish. The drones were prevented from flying over the court, and all the weapons owned by the country must be kept closed at police stations.
As deliberations continued, conspiracy theories flourished and speculation flourished. Some have suggested that the court was divided into an irreplaceable way. (At least six of the eight judges are needed to remove Mr. Yun. Otherwise, it will be returned.
“The country is at a crossroads. If the court is prepared in his position despite what he did, it will give the future leaders to the country a license to rule under the fighting law,” said Zhou Gab Gab, a prominent journalist and publisher in South Korea.
Mr. John Competitive Law Only six hours But anger among many South Koreans. The National Assembly was founded on December 14, and he was suspended from his position. If Mr. Yun is removed, South Korea will elect a new president within 60 days.
Opinion polls have shown in recent weeks that the South Koreans prefer to expel Mr. Yun to restore approximately 3 to 2. But in a deeply divided nation, the parliament’s decision to dismiss it also broke the political right, nourishing their fear and hatred for their progressive political opposition.
Regardless of what he decides, the court will strike a large part of society. People on both sides shaved their heads or went to hunger strike to pressure their demands.
“If she accounts for Yun, there will be some turmoil, but the political scene will quickly turn towards presidential elections,” said Shang E Ha, a professor of political science at the University of Sogang in Seoul. “But if he returns to his position, those who were waiting for the ruling will move to the streets. We will see riots.”
In a typical combination of Yun, the participants bears the signs of the name of the “leader of the rebellion” and hesitated to “immediately overthrow”.
But the right -wing Christian priests and legislators who supported Mr. Yoon threatened to “destroy” the court if it decides to remove it. In January, dozens of Yun supporters sabotaged the Seoul Provincial Court after a judge had issued an order to arrest him on charges of rebellion. Two supporters of Mr. Yoon died after setting fire to a protest against his isolation.
Police cost personal guards Lee Jay MongThe main opposition leader, after he reported his party about an unknown assassination threats. The eight judges were accompanied by their movement to and from the court.
“I urge people to respect and accept, whatever the court decides,” said Finance Minister Choi Sang Mock, the president of the country, with the expression of his concern about the possibility of violent clashes.
When the court ruled to remove another governor leader, President Park John Hayy, in 2017, there was no violent death in the resulting protests, although four people gathered in their support died, either because of the heart failure or his exposure to a fallen object.
In an increasingly accurate era, the accountability trial of Mr. Yoon has become emotionally charged.
In 2017, the competing political parties agreed weeks before the court ruling that they would honor them. Mrs. Park waited in silence to rule, while her party distanced from the leader who was wrong because of corruption and abuse of power.
Mr. Yun, who also faces a criminal charge of rebellion, did not show any intention to go quietly. The Party of the Power of its people and the largest right -wing voters in the country gathered in the country.
He defended his declaration of martial law as an effort to save his country from the “dictatorship” of the opposition -controlled National Assembly and “anti -state forces”.
But the political instability that Mr. Yoon started left his country without an elected leader on his head at a time when North Korea ascends its nuclear threat and strengthening military relations with Russia. Although South Korea is one of America’s main allies, its leader did not meet President Donald J. Trump while he was the leaders of other countries, including Japan.
US Defense Secretary Beit Higseth decided to overcome South Korea on his next trip to the India and the Pacific region, while political forgetfulness remains. In February, the Economic Intelligence Unit Democracy Index 2024 South Korea has reduced “complete” to “defective democracy”.
In his last argument in the Constitutional Court last month, Mr. Yoon said that if it is allowed to resume the presidency, he will leave local affairs to the Prime Minister and focus on diplomacy. But Mr. Lee, the leader of the opposition, said that Mr. Yoen did already Adequate To the global image of the country.
“We can only overcome the current crisis when we recover regular driving,” he said.
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