Social Security Activist Dogi discounts: “People will die”

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By [email protected]

In light of the so -called Ministry of Governmental Efficiency in Elon Musk, it has the Social Security Administration Sought And reorganizing its operations. This week, the agency made a very controversial decision Verify Nix via the phone. The policy is threatened by forcing millions of elderly (many of them who have poor movement) to travel to field offices to receive their benefits. At the same time, Dog closed the SSA Field offices throughout the country, making it increasingly difficult to reach these offices.

Organizations such as Social security works They are organized to fight changes, and they hope to stimulate a set of activity that can convince the government to unlike the path. However, the group’s CEO, Alex Lawson, believes that the recent SSA policy change will have immediate and catastrophic effects on the agency’s ability to provide retirement advantages to Americans.

“We know exactly how it will affect the benefits,” Lawson said. “There will be tragedies, people will be damaged, people will die.” Lucon added, it is quite clear that the goal of Dog Musk is to destroy the social security program from the inside to the outside. “You are listening to Elon Musk on Podcast Joe Rogan and hearing his contempt, and his hatred of social security,” Lawson said. “He believes that he is an incredible net negative to the country.”

SSA, which is currently leading, Associated Doj DirectorHe argued that the transformation of politics revolves around fraud and abuse within the program (which is also the apparent goal of DOGE), but critics assert that the real intention is to push the agency to a dysfunction.

“Many people will not be able to get the advantages,” Lawson said. He said that huge numbers of retirees would be pushed to the SSA Field offices that were “already striving, even before Trump’s presidency,” noting that even during the Biden era, the agency was already at its lowest levels of fifty years. He said that the changes under Trump are now threatening to destroy the agency’s operations and their ability to dispense with benefits. “Now you have launches, acquisitions, they have closed 45 offices. They have issued instructions to GSA (Public Services Administration) to finish rental contracts on all of them,” he said. “All of this aims to create a crisis, to collapse the regime.”

It seems that the Trump administration has recognized that recent political transformations can disrupt the provision of services, as the US Secretary of Commerce, billionaire Howard Lottenic, is going on on TV and claiming that the accidental decline in retirement advantages is not really a big deal.

Lawson said the tactics that are employed are a very old strategy used by special actors to attack public systems. “KneeCAP The Mailman, complaining that the mail is late, and suddenly remember that you got a cousin in the service of delivering the special mail and that they will do it twice and deliver the half.” Part of the strategy is to “reduce the confidence of the public” in social security as a program, he said: “If you can persuade people that they will not get anything, they will be ready to accept less than what they owe.” He added that the only thing that Dog is doing efficiently is to harm the social security program.

Lawson said he does not believe that Musk understands the benefits of social security because it comes from a background where economic security was never a question. “He was born with the emerald mine,” Lawson said. “Not even a silver spoon. Emerald mine. It is not an ordinary person.” Musk deny Several times that his family possessed stakes in the emerald mines in South Africa or that the profits of the aforementioned mines funded his early career, but his father, Airul Morris, said that the family was involved in the emerald trade and that His son’s denial “Just because, as you see, he wants to tell people in America that he is also facing a difficult time.” In 2016, Elon, himself, Forbes said His father was a “stake in the emerald mine in Zambia” when he was 15 years old.

Musk referred to social security as the “Bonzi Plan”, which Lawson said is a silly comparison because Bonzi plans revolve around taking someone’s money and not returning them, while social security is funded through the money of Americans and often returns More than retirees are already paying. “The Ponzi scheme is a criminal institution based on fraud that benefits one or a group of criminal actors at the top,” Lawson said. “Social security is very transparent-you can know where every nickname and Daeem-social insurance, or the payment system, as you are, it is wage insurance. There is no one who benefits from social security. No one is at the head of the program from which he gets money.

Lawson compared the goal of privatizing social security to the previous transfer of America, away from the specific benefits pensions plans and about 401 km. He said the Americans are less safe in the 401K system, and it is linked to the stock market. Lucon said that the private sector literally cannot provide the same benefits as the SS program because you cannot make a profit for what social security provides. Social security is not designed to earn money, as it is designed to ensure that people can enjoy aging without working themselves to death.

The activist added that the discounts in the social security program will create a real and concrete harm to the endless numbers of people, noting that he recently spoke with many elderly who were incredibly afraid about what the discounts mean for them. “One check misses and people like,” I can’t eat. What is supposed to do? That’s all I have, I will expel. “

However, Lawson said that his organization hoped to turn the Americans’ fear into anger – the type that will motivate them to participate politically. The goal is to inspire many people to go out and support the Crusader campaign against Dog in the coming weeks – such as on the fifth of April, when the group is organized A national working day. “This is a man who steals our money. I don’t think Little Elon Musk understands the size of what he is now making ridiculous now.”

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