Social distance – New York Times

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Where were you in March 2020? When did you realize that Kovid was something that would disrupt life as you knew? I was going to walk in Joshua Tree, and I spent my days in the natural beauty of the desert, not sure whether I should return to New York. Every time I updated the Times coverage, it seemed more clearly that going home means staying inside for the expected future.

I went back. I started working at times after a few months (from the living room) and soon I started writing a news message called at homeShe tried to help people drive full and installed lives from their living rooms. It was a project aimed at helping people find distraction, comfort, meaning, joy, feeling, communications and society in the midst of what I sometimes felt like unbearable uncertainty. Here is what to see, read, cook, listen to it, think. You can attend this virtual disco, or read this virtual hair or a person’s birthday party, as you will distort the screen after the screen of the squares from the people you know and the people who do not smile and focus, closely, very far. Remember a happy, virtual hours? Remember zoom shirts? Remember when it was strange to see your colleagues bedroom decor on video calls? Who would think that Brian from analyzes would choose Those Table lamps?

I spent a lot of time thinking about dealing with those days. We all did. In the midst of a lot of confusion and sadness, there was creativity. Peninsus of the epidemic. Dough -dough obsession. Empowering outdoors through each form of outdoor heating. Lee’s girlfriend started a dance group in her town, which practiced the design of dances on the zoom and then performed their dances on the meadows of the neighbors. The last bed in the back of its SUV and its drivers were built throughout the country, and sleeps in its car. I have not contacted the college friends, I have not spoken to them for decades; Once we realized how easy the Times, it seemed ridiculous that we did not do it all the time.

Five years is not long enough to get a perspective, not really. It is a round number, so it is a sense of meaning: an enjoyable time to do a retroactive effect, to ask what we learned, how we changed, and how we did not do it. The things that we swore differently as soon as “open the world again” – do we do it? I pledged more socialization, more dinner parties, more dance, more trips, and the most visiting people just. No more personal contact with other human beings as a Muslim command! I would like to renew these promises, but the world has opened as well as options. There was a lot of way to yearn for closing, and a lot of time to give a romantic character to freedom of movement and imagine about the possible life that we were performing in the future. But unless you put a kind of plan in its place to implement these intentions, it was easy to return to what it was once: other people sometimes and bump a lot of time and requires an effort to plan a dinner.

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