Snow White and the seven dwarves are the most permanent box office in Disney

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By [email protected]

((Welcome to Tales from the box officeOur column that examines the box office miracles, disasters, and everything between them, as well as what we can learn from them.))

In the history of cinema, there are important films. Then there are very important films that are really difficult to shoot cinema as we know it without it. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” is one of these films. Al -Basri behind Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney had already made a name for himself with animated shorts. Disney big idea? A moving feature film. This may seem vulgar in the modern world, however In the thirties of the twentieth century, the box office gambling was enormous.

The idea of ​​trying to keep the masses look 90 minutes of animation. The films had only moved from silence to the sound several years ago. Will people really attend to produce long -length animation? One would cost a wealth to make, no less? The answer was yes. The end result is one of the most influential Disney films ever. Moreover, the fans continued to attend a classic for contracts, making them more successful in Disney.

In the tales of this week from the box office, we look back in the movie “Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs” for the year 1937 in honor of the new Snow White version from Disney. We will go to how the film appeared, why it was very pioneering, what happened when the theaters hit, and its various re -launch over the years, what happened in the years that followed its release, and what are the lessons that we learn from it throughout the years. Let’s publish, are we?

The film: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

The history of this movie can fill the books. I will not try to distort its unparalleled importance to a few hundred words, but some background is the key. The film is based on the famous Grimm Brothers Fairy’s story in 1812 “Snow White”, which was explained in other forms previously and has been interpreted several times since then, as it extends from “Mirror Mirror” To “Snow White and Huntsman.” But why did Walt Disney decided to turn this story into his first movie? In the comment course Disney explained: It was produced for the DVD version:

“I don’t know why Snow White picked up. It’s something you remembered as a child. I saw Margaret Clark in Kansas City once when I was in a news adapter. They had a big offer for all the news about everything.

Walt Disney announced his plans to make “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” on a legendary night in 1934.“Assembling it on the sound stage at 7:30 in that evening, Walt performed his artists with the excitement of the project they were about to do.” Details of this performance are lost to time, but Walt’s ingenuity is the ingenuity of his forces to buy the idea of ​​what has not happened before.

Disney major plans were not cheap. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was the first feature of the feature of the feature made using TechnicolorAmong the first early major. Although it was estimated that it would be cheaper, the film ended at a cost of $ 1.5 million – equivalent to more than $ 33 million in dollars today.

Snow White and the seven dwarves could be Disney’s foolishness

The film, as we know, is focusing on Princess White hearts, who fascinates every creature in the Kingdom, with the exception of her jealousy wife, the Queen. When the magic mirror declares that Snow White is the most fair justice, it is forced to flee to the forest, where seven loved dwarves befriend. Queen Snow White refers with a charming apple, with the magic of the real love kiss only able to save her.

Large budget movies are common nowBut they were nothing in the late thirties, especially as it was a experimental film. It also did not help complete nearly four years. All the time, Walt Disney was entering into a risky financial position in the hope that this project would come out.

“We had no idea what would happen when people saw,” Kimal said in the animation. New York Times In 1993, there is no uncertainty, the exact film behind the scenes, and the huge budget, “Snow White” was called “Disney Foolish” Before its release.

All this to say, despite his reputation today, this was far from the sure thing. Disney is one of the largest companies in the world now but before this movie appears? The animation house was respected by a respective man with a wonderful vision. Great visions do not always pay fruits. Fortunately, this vision gives its fruits wonderfully, to place it moderately.

The financial trip

“Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs” was shown on December 21, 1937. Things have succeeded differently at the time, as films were simply released on thousands of screens simultaneously. The infrastructure simply did not exist. Whether it was, receiving the movie was very positive. By all the standards, it was one of that “history made in immediate moments.” Disney vision is fruit.

It is difficult to get accurate accounting, but the film achieved great success as it expanded the theaters throughout the country in 1938. And most of this, because the film was very loved and this success was, as Disney re -launched several times in the years that followed, including $ 66.5 million. The inflation account is somewhat difficult here, but there is no need to say, through modern criteria that will be a lot.

The pioneering success was recognized in a short time. Not only by cinema pioneers around the world, but by the academy as well. Walt Disney was presented with one of the most unique Academy Awards in history in 1938Special Oscar consists of one regular prize and seven smaller prizes, to represent dwarves.

On the back of this success, Disney has released a series of popular moving features over the following decades Including “Bambi”, “Sleeping Beauty and” 101 Dalmatians “and” Beauty and the Beast “, just but not limited to. Not to mention the other studios that then ventured in the animation after Disney proved that it was not only possible, but it is likely to be very profitable either. None of that was possible without This movie.

Snow White has become repeatedly repeatedly

Since many other animation classics in Disney, Snow White continued to be a significantly reliable money maker in the studio. The film was also released in 1983, 1987 and 1993, in addition to limited releases in 2021 and 2023. Each of these versions was so successful, with the full film playing completely. 185 million dollars. When taking into account international ticket sales, it is believed that the total life is more than $ 400 million.

We are talking about success that has lasted for more than 80 years. To put success in its right quorum, the film carries Guinness World Register For the top animated movie at the local box office when modified for inflation. For each Guinness, its local total alone is more than $ 1.5 billion. This will be much more than the current The highest home version ever, “Star Wars: The Force Wakes” (936.6 million domestic dollars/2 billion dollars worldwide).

To add more perspective: “The Force Awakens” by selling about 108 million local tickets for each. Mogho box office. It is also estimated that “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” has sold 108 million tickets. So yes, we are talking about a cultural event about the size of the “stars war”, although that showed sustainable success over several decades. This is amazing.

Disney also benefited greatly by the ability to benefit from “Snow White” in the home video market at each turn. From VHS to DVD, then Blu-ray later. The movie even got a 4K Ultra HD version in 2023. This is one of the columns that helped build the Disney Empire, and it is one of the masses around the world that has emerged over and over again. A big blow is one thing. Being one thing. Being both of these two things during the ability to enrich the fans 50 years after his release at first? This is really rare air.

Lessons contained inside

Thinking about the legacy and success of this movie takes a new meaning in 2025. These words are written, “Snow White”, which costs more than 200 million dollars He plays on thousands of screens all over the world. The film’s reception can be boiled so far to “Mah”. It also does business at the box office early. All this comes 15 years after Disney has performed similarities in the wake of the success of Tim Burton, “Alice in Wonderland” in 2010.

Sometimes, these reinstalling operations were rewarding viewers, As with Cinderella for the year 2015, in addition to being a rewarding for Disney. Other times? Not much. The situation is also closer and closer to the snake that deals with its tail, with relatively modern films such as “Moana” that already gets a new edition of work. But this is Disney from 2010S and beyond. The whole thing is about the great privileges now, and this was the case since the Marvel took place.

Do not understand me wrong, this makes everything logical Disney, in the modern era, to make “Zootopia 2”, “Frozen 3” and “Toy Story 5.” But if we look back in the courage and absolute vision that helped convert “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” into a popular success in the industry, it seems that we can use more of these creative risks in the mouse house these days.

CEO Bob Egger has a great mind to work, there is no denial. But what we need is a little of Disney’s old vision so that the future is not just a recycling of the past. Disney was often a trail in Hollywood. One can only hope that those days are not completely behind us.

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