Smash Indie “Well” is already working on his next project

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By [email protected]

For a period of four years, Baso worked on a primitive copy of Good In his spare time, he supports himself with his daily function. He told me in an interview: “It was clear that it was a side project that immerses myself.” But with the growth of the game more sophisticated, and Paso invested more time in it, he started thinking about it differently. “It has started gradually it seems to be something I can actually launch, and that you might be able to earn a livelihood,” he says.

Basso collected his confidence and drew a way out of his daily function. His family did not understand his ambitions. “My father didn’t want me to leave my job to work on,” Passo says. “They were worried that I should keep a full -time job.”

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Good Fans damage Baso with questions.

Photo: Daril Jackson

The image may contain Alvar Alonso Rosel People Facial Accessories Accessories Photo and adults

They also listened to interest.

Photo: Daril Jackson

After that, in 2021, a turning point: Basso called Dan Adeleman, a veterinarian in the industry known on the business development aspect, for assistance. “I was an introverted person who is not comfortable spreading things online and marketing the game,” Passo says. Adelman is famous for managing Nintendo of America Indie and defends young developers. “Fortunately, it was in the project,” Passo says. “He wanted to start working together, and then, from that point forward, I felt that I was just a more fortunate person.”

Basso and Adelman started progressing to events such as Devs DayIny’s offer, to allow people to see the game. Their efforts bear fruit, with Bigmode – the publisher who runs Youtuber VideoGamedunkey – Signing Good. “After a little less than a year of working with Dan, I had saved enough money and had a road map to finish the game,” Passo says. Leave his job to focus on Good Full time. “It has ended until there are still about three years until it was done,” he says.

For many years of GoodDevelopment, friends urged him to launch what he had when the attention looked high. “I knew where the quality tape was for myself and what people expect from the game,” Passo says. He did not like the idea of ​​”spent” what he felt was not a complete project, despite the long years in which she entered. “It was difficult to explain the amount of work that really goes to release a polished game,” Passo says. “You can not only put pencils at any time and click the version button on Steam.” How his game appeared for the first time. If people like them, “they will trust you in the future to buy one of another game.”

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During his talk about GDC, Baso walked over the years of development that entered Good.

Photo: Daril Jackson,c_limit/Billy-Basso-GDC-Culture-6504.jpg

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