Scientists who left the sea bottom at the bottom of an iceberg in the calves found a wonderful group of living creatures, as they changed the concepts of how giant ice pieces affect their direct suburbs.
Scientists have investigated an area of the sea bottom that was recently unveiled by birth from a huge iceberg-84-large like Chicago. The team found an amazingly vibrant society of creatures at the sea floor below, as A-84 was tied once on a ice shelf connected to Antarctica plane.
“We did not expect to find such a beautiful and prosperous ecosystem,” said Patricia Esquitte, the capital participating in the campaign and researcher at Affiro University in Portugal, in a British survey in Antarctica. Release. “Based on the size of the animals, the societies that we noticed there were decades ago, and perhaps even hundreds of years.”
Without the 197 square mile ice mountain (510 square) on the road, the team managed to check the sea floor at a depth of 4,265 feet (1300 meters) using the car that is operating remotely (ROV) Under the capacity. The team found coral reefs and large sponges that support other forms of life, including ice, giant marine spiders and octopus.
The scientists who discovered part of a team on the Schmidt Institute of Ocean were R/v Falkor (also)363 feet (111 meters), which regularly reveals hidden details of life at the bottom of the Earth’s oceans. The ship has already Appointment of unknown areas From the bottom of the ocean to the seizure of Intimate reproduction lands From octopus.
With the cover of the icebergs covering the sea floor, the organisms at the bottom of the shelf cannot obtain nutrients to stay from the surface. The team assumed that the peripheral currents are a decisive driver under the ice sheets. The team also collected data on the larger ice cover, which reduces the size of the animals under which they live.
“Loss of ice from the ice cover in Antarctica is a major contributor to sea level rise around the world,” Sasha Monteli, a researcher at College London University, said in the same version. “Our work is extremely important to provide a long-term context of these recent changes, which improves our ability to make forecasts in the future-expectations that can inform practical policies. We will undoubtedly make new discoveries while continuing to analyze this vital data.”
Although the ice shelf that disappears worries, it also creates an opportunity for scientists to explore a difficult area. Subastian and R/v Falkor (also) It is almost certain that new discoveries about harsh environments where life comes out before their trips end.
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