We may be on the edge of a pivotal moment in Alzheimer’s disease research. In the clinical experiment data that was released this week, scientists provided early evidence that it is possible to delay the symptoms in people who are genetically fateful to develop Alzheimer’s disease at an early age.
Researchers at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Washington have led the study, which aims to test whether the experimental amyloid antigen drug is called GANTERUMAB can help people who have a inheritance form of Alzheimer’s. In a sub -group of patients treated longer, the drug seemed to reduce the risk of symptoms as expected, by 50 %. The results will require follow -up, but external experts are optimistic with caution about what this might mean to the future of Alzheimer’s treatment.
“The results show that there is a good hope that the treatment of (Alzheimer’s disease) in the pre -clinical stages of pathology may be effective in slowing or preventing the appearance of the disease,” said that there is a good hope that the treatment of (Alzheimer’s disease) said in the pre -clinical stages of pathology may be effective in slowing or preventing the appearance of the disease, “said Thomas M. Wesnosepsky, director of the NYU Langone Health, who is not researching.
Gantenerumab It is one of the many similar medications that scientists have developed for Alzheimer’s disease. It is an anti -laboratory -making body targeting beta amyloid, one of the two proteins believes that it plays an important role in causing Alzheimer’s disease (the other is Tau). In people with Alzheimer’s disease, a mixed version of the amyloid beta accumulates in the brain, and it consists in Hardy blocks known as the paintings that ultimately overcame the organ. Theoretical scientists have theoretically that it is possible to stop or at least slow Alzheimer’s disease with medications such as Gantenerumab, which separates and prevents these plates from forming.
Unfortunately, it was not a smooth journey for this hypothesis. Many anti -melaid drugs showed an early promise, just to fail in the largest experiments that she experienced for people who have already begun to try Alzheimer’s symptoms. This includes GANTERUMAB. In late 2022, pharmaceutical company Roche Closed From drugs after a pair of experiments of the third stage.
But the most modern drugs to combat amyloid showed a modest but noticeable effect in slowing Alzheimer’s disease, which is enough to win the approval of the Food and Drug Administration. Some researchers, including in Washo Medicine, have expressed their hope that the anti -amydid therapy will be more effective when giving it a long period of symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
Starting in 2012, researchers and others launched experiences of preventing anti -melanoid tests in people with dominant Alzheimer’s disease, a genetic condition that guarantees the development of dementia at some time between the thirties and fifties of the last century. Most of these experiences did not result in success, with the exception of perhaps for those with GANTERUMAB.
When the original GANTERUMAB study ended in 2020, researchers found that it reduced the amyloid levels of people. But it is too early to know if it might delay people’s symptoms, as most patients were not expected at the beginning of the study for another 10 to 15 years. Then the researchers decided to provide GANTERUMAB openly to its patients (including those who were taking an imaginary medicine or any other medication) as part of an extension study.
It is the latest results from this study, which was published on Wednesday in Lancet, which raised people.
Senior authors Randal J. Batman, Professor of Neuroscientities at Washo Medicine, in A. statement From the university. “We do not know yet the period in which it will remain free of symptoms-perhaps a few years or maybe contracts.”
However, there are important warnings to study.
For anyone, the results are just hinting to a potential preventive benefit, noteing Wisnieswski. Although the drug may have reduced the risk of cognitive decrease in the largest total group of people who do not suffer from symptoms, this reduction was not statistically significant (perhaps due to the decrease in the patient’s numbers in the study, 73 in total, says Wisniewski). In the sub-group of patients with symptoms of eight-year-old averages- the drug seemed to reduce their expected chances of cognitive decrease by 50 %. But this sub -group included only 22 patients, a smaller sample size.
The experiment also ended earlier than what was expected for many patients due to the abandonment of Roche from the medicine, and some people withdrew for other reasons. The drug appears to be generally safe and endemic, although about a third has been developed by amyloid, or Arias, which are signs of swelling or bleeding in the brain. ARIAS is a known side effect of these medications, although most episodes have not been noticed by patients. Two patients faced severe feast, which led the researchers to stop the treatment, after which he recovered. No life -threatening incidents or deaths were reported during the study.
In general, the study is not a final evidence that anti -melids can work with Alzheimer’s disease in advance. But since this model is mainly inevitable, these results are the first of a clinical trial that can be treated. Besides the previous approvals of Lecaneemab and Donanemab for the classic version of nervous degenerative disorder, there appears to be a real thing here.
“We already know from Lecaneemab and Donanemab data that AAAS antibodies can slow the progress of Alzheimer’s joint and interrupted,” Sam Jaradi, Assistant Director of Alzheimer’s Research Center in Mount Sinai, told Gizmodo. “This paper focuses on the use of the various (GANTERUMAB) AAA to show a similar phenomenon, and applies to genes early in Alzheimer’s,” added Jaradi, who does not belong to the new research.
Jaradi, Wesnosepsky, and study researchers are all agreed that this is the beginning only. There are already ongoing prevention experiences at the present time for both early workers Classic Alzheimer’sIt includes numerous Washu is run by the dominant Alzheimer’s network trial unit. These experiments test approved experimental drugs and the latest anti -millicide drugs that can show a preventive benefit more than GANTERUMAB. The researchers also managed to replace many of their patients in studying the original extension to Lecanemab, although data from this stage is still turbulent.
They are the first days, but there may be a real hope for this healing disease on the horizon.
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