Scarlett Johansson intensifies her invitation artificial intelligence The regulations, warn that improper use poses a major threat to the “future future of humanity in general”. The American lawmaker urges the creation of a clear handrail after a video that includes her similar, along with other celebrities, in the opposition of rapper Yi, previously known as Kanye West.
Deepfakes are created using audio and visual samples from real people to create real -looking images and videos, which are easier to make and more convincing than ever thanks to artificial intelligence.
The DeepFake video is filmed by these Jewish celebrities born of artificial intelligence, including Jerry Sinfield, Drake, Mila Konis and Adam Sandler, wearing T -shirt Kanye West displaying an average finger and a Jewish star. It is not now known to have created the video, but it is likely to be without the permission of the stars.
Deepfake’s video was in response to the last West trying to sell $ 20 shirts, which features the Swastika symbol and indicating the Nazi greeting on its website. The rapper bought a local advertisement during Super Bowl to promote the site.
Johansson, who has Previously talked about artificial intelligenceHe said in a joint statement with CNET:
“I caught my attention by family members and friends, that a video created from artificial intelligence includes my form, in response to an anti -Semitic view, revolving online and gaining traction. I am a Jewish woman who has no tolerance with anti -Semitism or hate speech of any kind. Or we risk losing reality. “
Deepfake’s video this week appeared as some of the most prominent technology leaders, including the SAM Altman from Openai, Gathering in Paris For the work of artificial intelligence to discuss safety handrails for Amnesty International. Many companies and legislators Continue to deal With how artificial intelligence is effectively organized without strangling innovation.
Johansson is not new to talking about artificial intelligence
This is not the first time that Johansson has appeared as a pioneering voice for artificial intelligence handrails. Earlier this year, Openai used a voice Attractive in a remarkable way To Johansson from “Her” for Its Ai, Chatgpt-4O. After her legal team sent messages to Openai, the company apologized It is temporarily postponed The broader of the advanced sound mode.
In a blog post at the time, Openai said that the specific sound, which the company called Sky, “was never intended (Johansson’s).”
“Unfortunately, a very general victim of Amnesty International, but the truth is that the threat of artificial intelligence affects each of us,” Johansson said in the last statement.
“There is a wave of 1000 feet to come in relation to Amnesty International, which many progressive countries have responded to, not including the United States, in a responsible way. It is terrifying that the American government is paralyzed when it comes to legislation that is all passed by citizens against imminent dangers of intelligence Artificial.
She added: “I urge the US government to make the passage of legislation that limits artificial intelligence uses a top priority; it is an issue from the two parties that greatly affects the direct human future in general.”
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