Roku tests display ads before downloading the home screen

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By [email protected]

Smart owners TVs and broadcasting sticks are subject to Roku OS already Video ads on the home screen. now, Rocco He tests what it might seem if it takes a step forward and forced people to watch a video advertisement before reaching the main Roku OS screen.

Reports about Roku customers who watch video ads are played automatically before they can display the main OS ‘screen that has begun to appear online this week. Reddit user, for example, to publish Yesterday: “I just played Rocco and got … an advertisement for a movie, before I got to the regular Rocco screen.” Many users who appear to watch an advertisement for the movie Moana 2. Ads have a close option, but some users seem to have not seen it.

Upon reaching the comment, a ROKU spokesman participated in the company’s statement confirming that automatic operating ads are the expected behavior but not a permanent part of Roku OS. Instead, Rocco claimed it was just an advertising ability experience.

Rocco actor said that Rocco’s works “will have a continuous test and innovation through design, navigation, content and our first -class advertising products,” adding: “Our last test is just an example, as we explore new ways to display brands and programming while we are still providing a delightful and simple user experience.”

Roku did not respond to requests to comment on whether they have plans to make permanent automatic ads on Roku OS, which are affected by devices, why Roku decided to use automatic play ads or customer reaction.


Most of the comments reviewed by Ars Technica about the “Test” of the marketing indicated that customers will get rid of them Rocco device If the program continues to force them to watch an advertisement before reaching the content they really want to see.

User on Rocco Community Forum Books, “I hope this is full.

Forum users who worried about the constant change were called “unacceptable” ads and “intervention”.

If Roku increases its advertising download on customer devices from fixed images to ads with animation With soundIt will test the boundaries of customers. Some of those who are tolerated with a fixed image of a neglected part of their screen may not be acceptable for the most dispersed ads formats.

“I can accept the fixed advertisement on the side.

As a budget flow brand, Roku is known to pay the boundaries on ads. Rocco has gone further to apply for a patent for technology that appears Ads on anything you connect to the TV set (Rocco did not actually implement this ability).

There are fewer smart TV platforms available alongside Roku. But in general, it happens The increasing difficulty For smart TV users to avoid ads. All TV manufacturers, from Budget brands to That distinctiveWe are The increasing dependence on ads and Tracking As ways to enhance revenues between low devices and sales, And innovation and Increase competition.

This story was originally appeared on Art Technica.,c_limit/Roku-Plus-Series-TV-SOURCE-Roku-Gear.jpg

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